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We all hate something about our bodies, and it's a shame. We’re all beautiful and different in our own ways - no two people look alike 100%, and that means that we all have different quirks that make us more interesting. The day your jeans don't fit, or yoru cellulite looks more obvious is a day that knocks your confidence. The thing is, all of those years that you feel insecure about your body and the way you look will seem ridiculous once you’re 70 and wishing you were young again!
In order to embrace a little positivity and confidence in your body, you need to find the things that will bring you joy. You have to consider how you feel about yourself on the inside, and then project that to your outside. Is it easy? Absolutely not. Whether it takes a therapist or laser hair removal, you need to do anything that you can to make yourself feel comfortable. Comfort equals confidence, and we’ve got five ways you can boost your body confidence right now.
Image source: Pexels
1. Go through social media and delete accounts that don't make you feel comfortable. Keep the people you love to follow that inspire and uplift you. Keep the accounts that reflect your own body rather than accounts that offer toxic “thinspiration”. You are not anyone else, and you won’t ever be the photoshopped photos of an influencer. And why would you want to be a photoshopped copy of someone else when you could be you?
2. Eat. You need to nourish your body with the right foods and with water, and if you don't, you’re going to feel as if you shouldn't eat. Stopping eating is a way to control your body and how it looks, but refusing food in order to mimic someone else isn't helpful. You deserve to eat, and eating will give you energy to move more and think better. Eat.
3. Remove negative influences. To be able to be confident and positive, you need to remove the negativity in your life completely. It doesn't matter what it is, if it isn't serving you well, remove it from your life. You deserve happiness, and confidence can come from better positive influences in your life.
4. Relax. You have to give yourself a break and stop beating yourself up. Healing your relationships with food and your body takes time, especially if you’ve been working on unlearning things in your life. There will be highs and lows in your journey, but they will all lead to you feeling more confidence.
5. Be grateful. Your body is breathing, walking, keeping you happy and safe, fed and healthy. Be grateful for it. Thank it. Remember that you are you and that’s it - why spend your life beating your body up for existing when you can just embrace the body you’ve got? It won’t always be easy. But for every negative thought, you can flip it on its head and feel more positive instead. Take time to remember that you are breathing and here - how awesome are you!