Monday, April 29, 2019

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Medieval Times: Dinner and a Show in a Castle!

Well, this isn't a sign you see often when you're going out to eat, but it's exactly the one you'll see when you head over to Medieval Times in Orlando, Florida (there are other castles around the US and one in Canada as well) to have dinner and a show! Walk through the area to see relics from the past, and instantly feel transformed to another time. We did that after dinner, and it's free to go, and on-site, so you can just walk over after you eat. I recommend it highly. As for the dinner, well I recommend that too, especially if you have kids!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Brooklyn Cloth is Perfect for More than Just their Famous Joggers!

What's he laughing at? It may not be the cool outfit he has on from Brooklyn Cloth, but let me tell you, when he opened the mail and saw these items inside, he was all smiles.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

An Effortless Way to Help Support the Arbor Day Foundation! #TreeHutxArborDay

America’s favorite brand for body scrubs and butters is Tree Hut! Use this brand one time, and you'll know why. It works great, and smells delicious! This year, they are excited to share that their brand has partnered with The Arbor Day Foundation to give back to nature with a #TreeHutxArborDay campaign! In celebration of Arbor Day (April 26th), for the entire month of April, the brand is giving 10% of proceeds for every product that is sold on to the Arbor Day Foundation.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

$25 Gift Card Giveaway from HueTrition

This information is brought to you by HueTrition. All opinions are my own. 

I am all about finding what works to help make my son WANT to have a healthier diet. We have been making HUGE strides. He's come a long way, but it hasn't been easy (he was picker than I am, and I am very picky!). Happily, he's more and more about trying new foods and has decided he even likes a good number of veggies now (thank goodness!), so when it comes to a product or item that helps the littles become more aware and willing to invest in healthy eating, I am all in!

HueTrition makes it so easy and FUN to make nutritious choices for your whole family. They have many videos available to help you when meal planning.

You can also take virtual classes that will teach you how to make nutritious foods. Their next event is about the HueApproved Scanner! he easy and fun way to choose healthy food products: HueApproved Scanner Unveiling HueTrition Live Event on April 18, 4 - 5 PM (EDT)

Monday, April 8, 2019

$25 Visa Gift Card Giveaway: Non-Candy Easter Basket Favorites for Every Age!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions stated are genuine and my own.

Every year we pass out Easter Baskets to the kiddos around here, and oh how they love it so. It is a tradition! The one thing we have tweaked about this tradition though, is we no longer fill the baskets and Easter Eggs up with a lot of sugary junk and empty calorie treats like we used to do. I wasn't sure how well that would go over, considering the older kids, my son included, all remember the days of getting lots of chocolate and jelly beans. The fact is though, we fill the basket up with such cool items, that the kids cannot resist being thrilled with what they get and find. Of course, we take good care to make each holiday memorable, and though this portion of Easter is only part of the way we celebrate, we make sure it's still a lot of fun for the children in the family. One way to do that is with the Easter Basket. We make sure to select those that we know the kids are going to love. Personalized Gifts has a selection that is always a big hit and an instant way to make things special right from the get go!