
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Not So Wordless Wednesday: LBV Resort Village & Spa Swimming Area!

I have found a new favorite swimming pool and it's located at 
Truly this pool has everything you could want whether you're single, a couple, 
or a family with kids (of all ages!).

I should start with the adult pool (which was so, so nice),
 but what really got me was the big Pirate Ship! Ahoy their Matey!

This is the top of the ship from an aerial view,

and this is a picture taken from the top of the ship. 
I just think it's majorly cool looking and a great addition to have in the pool area. 

At the top of the ship you'll find entry to the slide.
 This makes the pool a huge win for children, teens and adults alike.

That opening at the bottom is where the slide lets out.

That's not all there is for the kids though. There's a craft and game area (we played Bolo Ball).

Supplies are already there for you, and there is suntan lotion if you forgot it (nice, right??!)

On the backside of the ship is an area for small/toddler children. 
Can I tell you how much I love that it's separated like this to keep the littles safer??

Back in this area for the smaller kids, there are low-to-the-ground seats,
just right for little legs and bottoms, and a zero-entry water level that is amazing!

There are two adult hot tubs, but there is also one in the kids' section, 
which was a big hit with my son.

Making it have even a more vacation-y feel 
(and if you're here, you're very likely on vacation),
the LBV Resort Village & Spa also has a station for kids to
buy braids or temporary tattoos.

There is a full menu at the eatery. 
I saw a family eating breakfast there when I went once in the early morning.

There's a chair if you need assistance into the pool (nice!).

And here's a photo taken from my resort room balcony.
You can see there are seats everywhere, even on the roof of the eatery. :)

Restrooms are on-site and fresh towels are offered in abundance.

Seating was all the way around the very large pool, and if you look carefully, you can see there are a row of hammocks behind the seats in this section (love!).

Keeping up with the trends, there is also a social media board at the pool. Write what you're celebrating or just put up the classic, 'Wish You Were Here!'

When you're headed to the Lake Buena Vista/Orlando area, be sure to book a stay at the Lake Buena Vista Resort Village & Spa. The rooms are amazing (more about that at a later date) but the swimming area alone made it downright dreamy.

You can learn more about LBV Resort and Village Spa by visiting their website. You can also follow them on Facebook and/or Twitter.

Swimming is More Fun with Aqua Gear

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions stated are genuine and my own.
Aqua Gear sells everything you need for being in or around the water.
We got these sturdy Speedo Shoes and the bag... keep reading to see what's in the bag. ;)
Bangs for days...that's how my second oldest describes my youngest son's hair right now. That's okay though, that's how little man wants it. I think it's cute that he's experimenting with his look. ;) 

What I want to talk about though, is what is on his feet, and what's in the bag! Like I noted above, Aqua Gear sells sells everything you need for being in or around the pool. My son loves to be in the water, and though he has his own goggles, what he really wated was a snorkel set so he could 'breathe under water.'  

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

#StackedandSticky Celebrating #Tfal60thAnniversary & National Pancake Day

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions stated are genuine and my own.

You know how some holidays are recognized nationally on one date, but celebrated locally on another? That's how it is with National Pancake Day. The official day to celebrate is February 17th, globally, but in the U.S. it is oft times celebrated TODAY, Feb. 9th! We're a huge pancake loving family over here, so we're glad to get an early start, and thanks to Hungry Jack and T-fal, whipping up our tasty hotcakes was one easy deal!