Halloween Flashback

I came across this old photo when I was cleaning up my computer pics. Some pictures I find hard to delete, even after I've stored them, like this one. ;)

It was so chilly they had winter coats on under there!
My now-21-yr.old was still in high school, and little man was only 1!

My second oldest son was still in high school (he's grown up and moved into his own place now). Both of the kids had winter coats under their costumes. ;)  Little man was the dragon and his brother was the Knight in Shining Armor.  The photo opps were fun, but when we got out in public, and there were other teen girls around, I noticed my older son's costume becoming less and less of a costume. First the sword and shield stayed in the car. Then the arm and leg guards were removed. Then the hood came off, lolol.  It was funny to see him embarrassed by the duds, but I get it. I remember being that age too. Now he's 21 and dressing up is fun again. He e-mailed me a phone pic of the costume he's wearing this year. And as such things go... my daughter (currently in high school) says she's not dressing up.  I hope she changes her mind...you're only a kid once. :)

A Big Happy Halloween today, to those who celebrate!


  1. Replies
    1. Big high five to you! I saw your bathroom remodel. That was totally worth the wait!

  2. So cute! The kidling is still mad she's too old to go house to house anymore!

    1. She can dress up and pass out candy. That's fun too. :)

  3. Hi Rosey .. fun to see and yes we get embarrassed don't we ... but great your son is entering into the spirit of Halloween .. and I hope your daughter will come round .. Happy Halloween - cheers Hilary

    1. Cheers to you too, Hilary. And I loved your Clue post today!

  4. So true Rosey, you are only a kid once... I hope your daughter gets dressed up :) The picture is so adorable, your little one dressed up like a dragon... awe :)

    1. Thanks, Launna. I hope she does too. Happy Halloween to you!

  5. Definitely so very cute and love how things do come full circle! Happy Halloween;)

    1. Aww, I just saw your flashback pics. Very awesome!

  6. aww.....very cute picture...and that they wore costumes that went to gether with such an age difference...very cool

    1. Right! Props to the teen for being such a good sport. ;)

  7. haha fun they wore costumes that fit together, even if one was shed through out the night. Only a kid once indeed

    1. I guess that one's a fave because my son still had a little kid in him. I knew he was about done w/being a kid though...which is fine, but I also knew that meant he'd be growing up and leaving home soon (I was right, and I miss him). :)

  8. Awww, how cute is he? I am the same way - some pictures I just can not bring myself to delete even if I have it backed up!

    1. Whew, glad I'm not alone in that... I'm like that with e-mail too. My hubby clears everything out, email and pictures.

  9. Replies
    1. I don't even remember where we got it now, but I liked that too. We passed it on when he outgrew it. :)

  10. Rosey it's the same here. My almost 14 year old is doing the same thing now he wants to stay home this year and hand out candy.

  11. How cute. hope you and your family have a safe and fun Halloween.

  12. Well that was sure a blast from the past. He sure has grown since that picture. Happy Halloween to you!!

  13. What a great memory and this picture rocks. Yes it does.

    Have a fabulous day and a very happy Halloween. :)

  14. Happy Halloween Rosey to you and your family :)

  15. What a cute photo! Definitely a keeper.
    It's amazing the phases children go through.

    I hope she enjoys the childhood that will slip by so fast.

  16. Awww, that's so sweet! I also have a hard time deleting old favorite pics! This one is so sweet! :)

  17. Isn't it great how it comes full circle and dressing up is fun again?

  18. What an adorable photo. Holidays are usually hard for us as I have no children of my own and days like Halloween, kiddo is usually with her other parents because she has siblings there. Kiddo is hubs only daughter.

  19. What a great photo! My son was a dinosaur two years ago and it was the cutest costume.

  20. I love their costumes!! At first I thought you oldest son was the Dragon Slayer! No way, that dragon was too cute for that!

  21. Awwww, those are both great costumes. It is funny how we go from dressing up is fun - to not cool- then back to fun!

  22. I love reminiscing on old photos! They bring back such great memories.

  23. I do vaguely remember at a certain age I didn't want to be seen in a costume! But then as an adult I dressed up as a little girl and drove to the party--I won't tell you how many thumbs up I got from all the other drivers lol.

  24. What an adorable photo. I understand your reluctance to delete it, even though you've stored the original in a very safe place. I've copies and duplicate copies all over my computer and even on a special flash-drive, yet I can't bring myself to delete any of our family pictures. Odd isn't it ?

    It 's sad but only human that we've all fallen to peer pressure. At that vulnerable age all we want to do is belong, fit in and not be a dweeb. Then when we grow up and look back on it all we realize what dweebs we really were. :D

  25. That is really cute. I love having good memories like that

  26. What a sweet memory! Happy Halloween! Hope it was a good day.

  27. I love these flashback posts. What a cute Dino the little man was!

  28. It goes way too fast, doesn't it!? I wish we could keep them little forever. My freshman thought about dressing up to at least handout candy. He got called up to varsity football, so it was Friday Night lights instead. They won!

  29. No, don't ever think about deleting that picture. It's way too precious.
    I hope you had a fantastic Halloween, Rosey. xo

  30. Nooooooo..... Don't ever delete that pic! It's a keeper!
    Happy Halloween, Rosey!

  31. So adorable! We almost always had to buy costumes super big so that the kids could wear their coats underneath.

  32. I love looking at older pics of the kids in their costumes -brings back great memories. Yesterday was 31 degrees and 30 miles an hour winds - it was freezing for Halloween!

  33. Nice flashback pick, happy Halloween!

  34. I'm so glad to see that your kids have such a bond. Thanks for the flashback too!

  35. Such great memories! What a cute pic! I've really loved seeing the creativity of families who dress "together" as far as a theme - so neat!

  36. So cute! I love looking back at Halloweens of the past!

  37. That is a cute picture I would save it, too! esp with the little story behind it, teens can be so funny sometimes - it can help make up for how maddening it can be, too!

  38. Aw such a cute photo! I love looking back at old photos of my little girls!

  39. Time flies, looks how much they've grown. What a great memory!

  40. How great that their outfits were coordinated! Even if your older soon slowly ditched his throughout the night, LOL. What a wonderful memento to come across. :-)

  41. Awe - how cute and sweet...
    I am the same way.. *about keeping photos...
    I have some that I have on my computer and external hard drive - but I can NOT delete it off the camera

  42. I love when they dress up as teens! Mariah and her boyfriend both went out collecting candy dressed up this year. I'll have to share a photo soon :)

  43. What a sweet photo! I love looking at past pictures, especially Halloween ones.

  44. That must just warm your heart to look back on and think about these memories. The photo is adorable!

  45. It is amazing how fast time flies. There is a peak - when it really goes fast, that's the scariest time.

  46. I was looking through old Halloween photos too! What a cute pic

  47. I love the old photos! I can't believe how fast time goes by!

  48. I love looking at old photos of the kids. Mine are teenagers and not into dressing up for now. It used to be so much fun picking there costumes every year.

  49. I love that old photo of your kids dressed up for Halloween! I hope you had a nice Halloween and weekend. Enjoy the upcoming week.


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