Wednesday, April 27, 2022

---- Six Reasons Thank You Notes Matter

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It’s not a secret that when most of us were children, we were asked to send thank you notes to family members who gave us gifts. It’s a very old but longstanding tradition with most families, and there is a lost art to a handwritten letter these days. Instead of writing letters by hand, most people prefer to communicate electronically because it’s much faster. The power of a handwritten note is long forgotten by most people, but receiving a handwritten note has so much love behind it that we each feel it when we get one!

There are few that expresses gratitude more than a handwritten letter complete with family letterhead at the top. A personal note makes a big difference to the way that people feel, and it shows a level of happiness and excitement that you are willing to provide to others. Below, we’ve put together six great reasons that thank you notes really do matter and you’ll be on your way to making someone else very happy.

Image Source: Pexels

1. It’s the right thing to do. Whenever anyone gives you a gift, it’s always nice to say thank you. Saying it with an actual note can be more personal and more giving than just shooting off a quick text message. It’s the right thing to do to give someone a note to thank them for their thoughts and their gift.

2. It can make a difference. Whether you are saying thank you to a client for their business or a grandparent for their gift and their love, you are going to make a big difference in someone else’s life. It’s the kind of sign of love that you don't find these days, and it can make people feel so much better about the gift that they went out of their way to give!

3. It makes you stand out. In this digital age, if you are someone who still goes out of their way to handwrite a note and say thank you, you’re going to be noticed and you’re going to be able to give to others in a whole new way. You are going to be set apart from everyone else because you made an effort that others might not have.

4. It feels good to say thank you. You should think about how it’ll make you feel personally to thank someone else for thinking of you. It’s always going to feel good to thank people and that is a great reason you should write a note. Gratitude is good for the brain, and it’s a good way to get that feeling!

5. You’ll make someone smile. Sending a personal letter with your own letterhead and penmanship? That makes someone else’s day! You need to think about how you have an impact on other people and it’s vital that you do this simply to make someone else happy, too.

6. You can reflect. If you want to get excited about the time and effort someone puts into you, then you should think about the fact that a thank you note is a simple way to make their life better.


  1. I used to do Christmas cards and I'm terrible at it now. I agree thank you notes are very important.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  2. Hi Rosey - it teaches thankfulness, appreciation, respect ... and acknowledges others in their thoughtfulness ... lots that are necessary in this ephemeral age that is today - cheers Hilary

  3. Handwritten thank you notes seem to be a thing of the past for many people. I still make my girls write them out though, and I still do it with every gift we receive as well as on every Etsy order. We rarely get them in return. I'm ok with a text thank you as I know life is busy sometimes, but I get peeved when there is no acknowledgement at all.


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