5 Things Cinderella Got Right

1. There are people in your life who will try to claim your glass slipper. Keep your eye open for the proverbial step-mothers and sisters out there, and make sure your shoe is such a unique fit that no matter how hard they try to fit into it, it ain't gonna happen.

2. Make the best of your situation. If all you have around you is rags and birds, find a way to get those two things together to make yourself a beautiful dress. Cinderella was well versed in being resourceful, competent and kind. Those things worked together in her favor when it came time to get ready for the dance (and this was long before her fairy godmother made an appearance).

3. There are fairy godmothers in this world, who sometimes show up to help make things just righ t. They don't come along often but when they do, all I can say is, God bless 'em! Also, a free bit of advice: make sure you don't miss your chance to be a fairy godmother, if the opportunity presents itself in your life. 

4. A locked door does not mean you don't get to go. It honestly doesn't mean a thing that the door is shut and locked and you can't see the key. Get your mindset out of the 'oh no, now I'll never get to do it!' phase and move on to the 'how can I make this happen?!' stage. Nobody ever beat an obstacle by sitting on the bed crying about it. Get your mice together and go get your key.

5. Music makes everything better and that's true even if you can't sing a note of it yourself. Most of us remember the mice singing, "Cinder-elly, Cinder-elly" and believe me they couldn't hold a note, but it still made the scene better to hear them singing. And who could forget "Bippity-Boppity-Boo?!" We didn't have a clue as to what any of the phrases in that song meant but it sure was nice when it started to play. Crank up the tunes, shake it 'til you break it, and sing your little heart out, whether it sounds good or not. Why? Because like I said, music just makes everything better.


  1. And happy ever after isn't a static point.
    You need to work on it.

  2. There can be magic in this world.

  3. In my opinion you have named the most important one first, keeping in mind that "There are people in your life who will try to claim your glass slipper.". It's good to trust people, but sometimes trust is lost and you should focus on yourself for your own luck and prosperity :)

  4. Yes, there is much to be learned from Cinderella. The classic Disney movies are great for teaching us all important lessons.

  5. You are so right. We actually just watched Cinderella this weekend.

  6. I love all these realizations about Cinderella. It's a quick fun and inspirational read.

  7. I love Cinderella . lots of things to learn from cinderella . Thanks for sharing with us.

  8. I really love your take on Cinderella. I've never looked at the movie like that before.

  9. Great read! Cinderella is one of my favorite cartoons of all time. Disney love!

  10. Cinderella was one of the best and had a lot of wise quotes and life lessons. Thank you for sharing some!
    Fransic - https://www.querianson.com/

  11. All great points and valuable lessons from Cinderella…I must say #5 is my favourite, music sure does make everything better!

  12. All great lessons to learn from Cinderella. I watched the new Amazon version last night, and while it got mediocre reviews, I really liked it. They didn't make the stepmom and stepsisters as horrible as the Disney version and the music was upbeat and fun.

  13. A locked door simply means you need to reassess and find a new entry point.

  14. Hihi...alright then! My eyes are opening wider for those people who want to steal our glass shoes!

  15. I truly believe that there is a fairy godmother, I see that spirit as my guardian angel.

  16. LOVE THIS - "A locked door doesn't mean you won't get in" exactly that and deffo try your best to make the most of your situation for sure x

  17. this is a nice reflection to this classic fairytale that we all grew up with. Sometimes, those cartoons that we used to enjoy as a kids will share us deeper and more meaningful life messages as we watch them as grownups. I just watched the new take on Cinderella this week and i think they made a great twist to the classic fairytale while conveying more meaningful message about equality, women empowerment, and self-worth.

  18. I love this, and it’s all so true. It’s been forever since I watched this.

    Back when Disney cared about making a good story. Now it’s remakes and sequels.

  19. A profound way to analyze the fairy tale. Most times a fairy god-mother is not a fairy but a fellow human being.

  20. Such an excellent movie and an unexpected place to find life advice and motivation. You've got a great way of looking at things.

  21. Cinderella was one of my favourite Disney films as a kid. Now it's more along the lines of Mulan!


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