Tuesday, July 20, 2021

How To Maintain Your Health Goals While on a Trip

 Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Please welcome today's contributor.

One of the reasons why many people don't stick to their health goals is because they don't have enough time. This can be especially challenging when you are on a trip and far from home. There are, however, some strategies that will help you maintain your health goals while travelling. This blog post will share with you several tips so that you can stay healthy on the go.

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Plan Thoroughly for the Trip

Start preparing for your trip ahead of time. For example, figure out what kind of food you'll be eating during the trip and prepare accordingly with healthy snacks or easy meals that can last a few days. This way, if hunger strikes, you're able to eat something instead of grabbing fast food on the go!

Preserve As Much of Your Normal Routine As Possible

As much as it's tempting to just turn your alarm off or let Netflix take over your night, you may want to try and preserve some of your normal daily routines. It can be hard when you're away from home, but it’ll help you have more energy during the trip once you get into the regular schedule.

Continue Working Out and Dieting

If you're traveling for a few days and your gym bag is with you, then there's no reason why you can't continue working out. You may have to skip the sprints, but it should be just fine!

Consider supplementing your exercise diet with the best shakes for weight loss you can find on the go to energize and keep you healthy.

Engage in Active Activities

In addition to having an active workout routine, you can also take advantage of your location. So whether it's exploring a new city or hiking through the mountains, make sure that you're getting some physical activity while on the road!

Don't Worry About Being Perfect

It may seem like perfection is necessary if you want to maintain your health goals while traveling. However, perfection is not the goal. You just need to do your best and make sure that you're staying as active (physically) as possible!

Have a Positive Trip

Remember to be intentional about how you want your trip to go. If staying healthy is important, then make sure that it's a priority! Remember to take care of your mental health and set aside some time for yourself.

Take a Break from Social Media and Other Distractions

It can be really hard to disconnect while on the road, but it should be just as important! It will give you time for yourself and help keep stress levels low. Plus, if you're constantly looking at your phone or laptop screen, you'll never see all the beautiful things that are around you and enjoy your trip.

Plan Your Trip Around Conquering Fitness Goals

If you have a specific form of workout, planning a trip around this workout will work best for your fitness sessions. For example, if your workout mainly consists of strenuous activities like strength training, having a trip with equally strenuous activities like hiking will be best and vice versa.

Bring Along Some Essentials

You can also bring along some essentials to help you stay on track with your fitness goals. A small water bottle, healthy snacks like bananas and apples, as well as a fitness band or watch are all good things to include in your suitcase. You'll be less inclined to give up when there is something at hand that will remind you why it's essential to maintain your health goals.

If you can, bring a pet with you. Having a pet with you can help make the trip more enjoyable, and, in turn, it will also keep your health goals on track! Go for runs with the pet or go for a walk with it every day. Remember to feed and walk the pet every day too! You can also talk to your pet to keep your stress levels low.


Hopefully, these tips will help you maintain your health goals while on a trip! Remember that it can be hard to stick with our regular routines, but the more you push yourself, the better. And remember: if you're active and eat well during this time, then all of the work won't feel wasted because at least now you'll know that your health is in a better place.


  1. You can travel and not gain weight and still enjoy yourself. If you have one dinner during that time that is heavenly and then get back on your plan it's good. Being active is key and snacking on good and healthy snacks is very easy to do.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  2. One way to sabotage your fitness goals is to go on vacation. These tips are fabulous! Thanks for sharing!

  3. You can also bring along those rubber resistance bands which are lightweight and compact.

  4. I think many worry about being perfect which doesn't help. We need to do what fits in with our schedule and not worry too much.

  5. I have found that traveling helps to center me and focus on my goals. I like what you said about having a positive trip, that is so true.

  6. It can be so difficult to stay focused and on track while on holiday, but balance is also key! Great tips here! Thank you for sharing.

  7. I agree, it is so important to plan for the trip to stay healthy as I personally find myself eating too much unhealthy and indulgent food when I am on holiday

  8. This is so important because when you're on a trip, you're probably going to forget about being healthy and working out. These tips are so crucial to staying on track.

  9. Trying to carve out time to take care of oneself is difficult. Thanks for the tips.

  10. Hi Rosey - sensible tips ... we need to keep moving and generally keeping our health healthy. Cheers Hilary

  11. I would think on a trip it’s the best time. Lot of walking and hiking.

    Food…just go to the store more, and fast food less.

  12. Fantastic ideas here! I couldn't be without my water bottle and love the idea of bringing some healthy snacks!

  13. We walk so much during our trips. I think every day in Las Vegas we were logging about 22,000 steps on our pedometers! No wonder my feet hurt so bad at the end of the day! I do try to find healthy eats, but sometimes I think vacationing is for trying all of the local cuisine that we don't have at home, so I have to make up for it in extra steps when we get home.


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