19 Days Left but Who is Counting? Oh Wait Everyone Over Here is Counting!

So these 2 recently had a photo shoot to help commemorate being 9-months along (yep, they are in the final countdown days!). 

She's been rushed to the emergency room on both of her last 2 'standard doctor visits' for possibly low amniotic fluid, and it's made me crazy both times. The last one was Monday, but for the second time, it turned out to be just fine. I can't be mad at her doctor for playing it safe, but it's an instant way to get your thoughts running in directions you don't want them going. My girl is resilient though. She handled it like she handles most things, with grace and fortitude and she simply keeps moving forward, because...that's what moms and moms-to-be do. :)

This week she put together the baby's new dresser that grandma (that would be me 💓) had sent to her house (baby's got so many clothes she needed another dresser, and this one has a hutch too). I've  also had a beautiful cradle sent over, that dad-to-be assembled, but that was earlier. I've gotten tons of things for baby. I can't help it, every time I head to the store, I beeline to the baby section. I'm so excited for my second grandchild (my oldest son has my first sweet grandbabe) to be born.

The photo shoot was fun. My daughter had a lot of different poses already in mind, which made things go swimmingly easy and well. We got a lot great shots of her belly, but I thought the double hearts idea was a really cute one.

Her oldest brother and I both took pictures, testing out our new cameras. Well, his is new, and mine is the one I wrote about before, which is new to me but used to belong to him. :)

He got the more polished pictures, and I got the ones of what was going on behind the scenes. 😊

We were lucky that the weather turned out perfect. Sis saved the grass shots for last, because she knew she'd get itchy. She's smart like that... ;)  This one has shadows, so it didn't make her final cut, but I liked it, so it did make mine. :)  

This one had shadows too, but she like it because they were being goofballs. ;)

We had a good time just spending the day together, and we ended up with some keepsake photos that I think my daughter and her new sweet little family, will treasure for life. 

19 days left. In the words of the younger kids, Let's go!! 💕😍


  1. Great shots indeed. Hopefully those 19 days go off without a hitch and no more emergency room visits for her, but yeah, better safe than sorry indeed.

  2. Looks like a lot of memories will be wrapped up in those photos. Hope you have a new grandkid really soon.

  3. What a lovely time for everyone. Having babies and grand-babies is the very best. Keep up posted.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  4. Super fun shots! I love how many portraits people do these days!

  5. What an amazing photoshoot! You'll cherish these forever. I hope everything goes perfectly well.

  6. I love the flowery dress, it`s cute and flattering.Did I mention you`re just glowing?you really are.All the best,

  7. I bet you are over the moon.... lol. How far is she from you?? Let's go!
    Congrats again!

  8. The pictures and lovely. Congratulations!

  9. Your photos came out great. Ah what a exciting time. I have 2 girls and the fun never ends :)

  10. Oh the photos are beautiful just like your daughter. I hope everything goes well with the birth of your grandchild. Good luck to your daughter and everyone. :)

  11. Beautiful photos! Congratulations!

  12. Kristine Nicole AlessandraMarch 3, 2019 at 6:01 PM

    How sweet! Your daughter looks radiantly happy! Wishing her a safe delivery and hope to see pictures of the new baby soon!

  13. these are great shots! 19 more days to go - that must be so exciting! Congrats :-)

  14. Oh these pictures are so beautiful. Today is only 18 more days, and hopefully they fly by!

  15. Aww...Congratulations! I know you are so excited! Wishing your family all the best!

  16. Oh, so lovely! They are a lovely couple and will be awesome parents! When our daughter was getting closer to delivery, I was racing around,unable to sit down!

    Let us know, immediately!!

  17. So exciting! These shots are lovely!

  18. The photos turned out great! I wish mother and baby all the best.

  19. What a lovely shots and glad you have taken time to document these fond memories. I can't wait to hear good news and I am sure you will be filled with lots of activities. It is going to be a fun journey.

  20. How exciting! I love how the pictures turned out!

    I was low on fluid with Mica. I kept getting checked. They even did a stress test on him. He would not wake up! I kept jiggling him around (trying to) because they said they wanted me to push a button every time he moved, which he wouldn't. He was breach baby. They tried to turn him from the outside, so he could deliver. Stubborn boy would only turn 1/4 of the way, then bounce back. Between him being breach, not turning, me being low on fluid (I think it all went into my feet and ankles), and my birth canal being tilted funny we ended up with a c-section.

    I'm sure she will a fantastic mom! It's so exciting!

  21. Wishing both of you the best.Happy times ahead 👍

  22. Heartiness congratulations to you both and the pictures looks stunning!

  23. They are an adorable couple! Congratulations!

  24. I'm sure you are all very excited for the big day to arrive!

  25. You guys are so cute and the pictures look fun. I am so happy for you and many happy thoughts to you both.

  26. Oh my goodness, it is so hard to wait, especially the last few days, and especially when it could be another 10 days after that. Good luck to all of you!!

  27. What a lovely photo shoot and a lovely couple! This is such an exciting time for all of you! Your daughter looks absolutely radiant! Good luck to you all!

  28. Congratulations to both... I love this photo shot looks perfect and amazing

  29. Congratulations and have a safe delivery with a healthy baby! :0)

  30. Congratulations both of you. Those 19 days will pass too. and we here are waiting for the good news.

  31. What ana amazing shoot. Congrats on the both of you. Hoping for a safe birth!

  32. Super cool shots. The photos are so lovely, wishing your family all the best

  33. Awww! Such a lovely couple with soon to have cute addition. Congratulations to both of you!

  34. All of your photos are so beautiful! I bet you're so excited to meet your little one!

  35. NOw I want to know if it was 19 days or if it was 5 days!!! YOu just never know when that times coming :)

  36. What a sweet session. I am sure she's going to treasure these photos of her pregnancy once it's all over. I have 1 picture of my pregnancy with Mariah. We just weren't big into photos back then like we are these days. I do wish I had more.

    Best wishes for an uneventful last 2 weeks of her pregnancy. I'm sure she's itching to welcome her daughter into the world!

  37. What a lovely post. All these pictures are great and all the best. Thanks for sharing.

  38. Awww! Such a lovely couple with soon to have cute addition. Congratulations to both of you!

  39. These are nice pictures, the double hearts idea is a cool picture, and you sound like a perfect grandma!!


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