Thank God for the Fleas! $10 Amazon Gift Code Giveaway

Disclosure: Many thanks to The Hiding Place LLC for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own. 

As a child, I was a voracious reader who devoured anything in writing that was in my path, including the selections on my mother's bookshelves. One of those books was Corrie ten Boom's, "The Hiding Place."

The ten Boom family was a typical loving brood, who were pretty much volunteered by circumstance to provide shelter to Jewish refugees at the height of World War II. It was a role they embraced without hesitation, and of course it was not without consequence. Severe consequence. 

The journey, however, is one of compassion, sacrifice and love. Corrie ten Boom's father was asked if he knew the stakes of helping those in dire circumstance and need. He stated that he did, but he said he was too old to fear death (for surely that would be his fate). He left the decision to continue up to his daughters, Corrie and Betsy/ They agreed to move forward (knowing death could be their fate as well).

Movies like this can be hard to watch; they are very unsettling. Yet, I think it is important to recount such things. We have to remember how dreadful they unthinkable... and do everything in our power to prevent history from repeating itself. 

What About the Fleas (see title)?

In the title, I wrote, "Thank God for the Fleas." That is something I have been saying for years, and I got it from the book. There is a scene in it where Corrie's sister says they should be thankful for everything including the pesky fleas bothering them in the concentration camp. Later we discover that the guards refused to go into that room because of the fleas. That provided an opening for the women (and children) to fellowship: read a tiny, smuggled Bible together and pray.

Can I get a Witness?

I am an educator, and we were fortunate enough to have Holocaust survivors come to our school annually, prior to the pandemic (a lack of funding stopped the program after the quarantine, which is a shame). They would tell us their memories and it was riveting. There were several panels of people who went to different areas of the school to talk to the children. All of the panel members were supposed to talk, but once the first speaker began, they would inevitably take up all of the time. No one was upset about it. They all lived the same story and were just grateful to still be alive to tell it.

It was hard to hear them sometimes. The survivors are so old their voices are fading now, figuratively and literally speaking. It was still one of the most profound experiences our students were ever lucky enough to experience.


World War II. Darkness has fallen over Europe, and the boots of the Third Reich echo through the streets. But on a quiet city corner in the Netherlands, some choose to resist. Corrie Ten Boom and her family risk everything to hide Jewish refugees by the hundreds, and they ultimately face the consequences when they are discovered. 

THE HIDING PLACE is their story—a story of faith, hope, love, and forgiveness in the face of unthinkable evil. This powerful cinematic presentation was adapted for the stage by A. S. Peterson, directed for the stage by Matt Logan, and filmed for cinema audiences in Nashville, Tennessee

Coming to Theaters Aug 3 & 5

If you are in North America, you can see "The Hiding Place" in theaters August 3rd and 5th. Worldwide cinema viewers can see it August 16th.  

Experience the most impactful family event of the year.  This is the first time THE HIDING PLACE has been in theaters in almost 50 years. 

Ready to buy?

Get your Tickets HERE!

There's a Giveaway!

To thank you for visiting, the sponsor is offering a $10 Amazon Gift Card giveaway. You can only win once. So even though multiple blogs are hosting, you can only claim one prize. Thank you for entering!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I really want to see this movie as it sounds so moving and historical.
    heather hgtempaddy

  2. It sounds like a very interesting story.

  3. Awesome giveaway. thanks for hosting.

  4. I've never heard of either the book or the upcoming movie. Sounds like an interesting story, and I love how you use the quote throughout life x

  5. I haven’t seen this film before but it sounds very good and has a good story. I like the Amazon giveaway too.

  6. I read the book many years ago and would love to see this film!

  7. i remember hearing about this story in high school.

  8. The Hiding Place" had a profound impact on me too! 💕 Corrie ten Boom's incredible story of bravery and selflessness during WWII is both inspiring and heartbreaking. 💔 The way her family wholeheartedly embraced their role in sheltering Jewish refugees is a testament to the power of compassion and love even in the darkest times. 🕊️🌹 This book is a reminder of the strength of the human spirit and the importance of standing up for what is right. 🙏 #InspiringReads #TheHidingPlace #WorldWarIIHistory #NeverForget #UnsungHeroes

  9. My first search was why you say thanks for fleas, but coming back to the movie topic, I haven't heard of it neither of the movie but it sounds good to me.

  10. Hi Rosey - I'd never heard of this - so thank you for highlighting ... I'll check to see if it's going to be released here: it looks like it will be. Your title to the post is very clever ... I'll remember that! Interesting to see the comments - thank you for bringing it to our attention and the book - Hilary

  11. I've actually never heard of it but it sounds like it's going to be a good movie to check out. I love stories with a historical backdrop..thanks for sharing!

  12. Sounds like it would be a very interesting movie to see.

  13. The story seems awesome actually! I will check it out for sure. I haven't been to the movies in a while.

  14. I had not heard of this movie coming out, but it sounds really interesting. Thank you for letting me know about it!

  15. This is new to me. Sounds intriguing.

  16. looks like a fun one

  17. Honestly, I was a horrible student when it came to paying attention in middle school, but the one thing I remember was when Elie Wiesel came to speak to my 7th grade class. His visit has stuck with me all of these years. It's the only thing I remember from 7th grade with great clarity. Those stories are so powerful. It's sad that we are losing so many of those voices now.


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