Sound of Freedom FREE Movie Ticket Giveaway


I thought Sound of Freedom was going to be difficult to watch, only because it brings to light the atrocities associated with the trafficking of children. It is based on the true story of a federal agent, who in the regular practices of his job, saved a boy who was being trafficked. Of course, such scenarios tug at your heartstrings and make you feel sick. 

The concepts were hard, for sure, but it is tastefully created so that you don't have to endure what is implied, and this is a wonderful movie. "Wonderful" for the storyline, but I also use that word because it does bring an awareness to the viewer of how fast this crime is growing and why. The answers are not pretty, but things cannot grow in the light as well as they can in the dark, so awareness matters.

In a turn of events, the agent loses traditional supports when he cannot turn his back on the request of the  boy to save his sister from the same fate he had been suffering. The children were taken at the same time, during a modeling call that seemed innocent and legitimate at the time.

The agent, (Jim Caviezel), and again, this is based on a true story, sets out on a seemingly impossible journey to find the little girl. Following the proverbial breadcrumbs to Colombia, with the blessing of his wife (Mira Sorvino), he quits his job and heads deep into the jungle. The movie allows us to take the journey with him. 

Opening Day is July 4th!

Sound of Freedom opens July 4th, and there is something this film is doing differently than you would see in a traditional movie launch.  They are offering an option to pay-it-forward so everyone has a chance to see the film. It's easy to participate (or to receive the benefit of someone else's generosity).


There are 1 of 2 ways you can participate in this pay-it-forward portion of the campaign. 

1. You can pay for someone else's ticket to go see the movie, or

2. You can benefit from accepting one of the tickets someone else has pre-paid.

They have a live counter of how many tickets have already been purchased and it's actually pretty touching to see how many people have pitched in to help them meet their goal. They are hoping for 2,000,000 people to be able to see the movie during its opening week. The number is significant because that is the known number of children who are being actively trafficked each year. 

Click the following links to participate or learn more:

To dontate (buy someone's movie ticket):

To receive a free ticket:

There's a Giveaway

In addition to the above options, Mail4Rosey is also giving away 2 tickets to see the movie. Opening day is July 4th, in theaters nationwide. It was a very insightful movie, and one that is bound to spur action in a positive way. It is tastefully done and compelling, like a movie should be. Highly recommend.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. 2 million children trafficked each year!!! That is horrendous.

  2. As you said, it sounds like a powerful movie, but hard to watch.

  3. This topic needs to be shared. Most people have no clue that this is happening.

  4. This would be super hard to watch. But people need to! There is horrifying trafficking going on all over the world, in first world countries too! Our governments are in on it people need to stand up!

  5. I've been following the progress of this movie, and I'm so glad it's finally out!! It's a really difficult story that needs to be told!

  6. Oh wow, I had no idea this was based on a true story. Would love to watch this movie.

  7. I had heard of this movie right after I reviewed the movie Silenced, The Korean movie based on a true incident too. I appreciate the opportunity to participate in the Sound of Freedom movie ticket giveaway! It's great to see promotions like this that allow people to enjoy movies and support the film industry.

  8. oh my.. i have heard about this movie and want to watch it but know it will be difficult to watch given the issues it deals with.. and love that pay-it-forward...

  9. A lot of people don't realize the severity of this in the world. So glad they are drawing attention on it!

  10. This truly looks like a really awesome and a powerful movie to watch I think I could only watch this with my husband

  11. Jim Caviezel is such a great actor. And this sounds like a great film. I can't wait to watch it. -LYNNDEE

  12. I never heard of this movie this is something that sounds so powerful topic with the severity of the world we live in.

  13. That is why I am so careful with my kids and why everyone should be too. It is a sad world that we are living in and glad they are raising awareness so people can help find a solution to this horrific problem.

  14. They said he almost died making THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. Struck by lightning and broke something in his back I think.

  15. This starts today?

  16. This is such an important topic but can be tough to watch, especially as a parent. Must be such a hard job to do - these things stay with you.

  17. It's always great to discover new movies and experiences through generous offers like this. I'll make sure to check out "Sound of Freedom" and keep my fingers crossed for the chance to win the tickets.

  18. Thank you for raising awareness for this one! So important and I saw this and it was powerful!

  19. I went to see it but I would like to go again and take my bestie. This was powerful.

  20. A must-watch movie!
    Thanks for sharing this, Rosey.

  21. Such an interesting and inspiring story. I hadn't heard of this movie before - sounds like an uplifting one to check out.

  22. Hi Rosey - I've seen a few films on similar subjects - but not from the American pov - I also have books here to read. It is horrifying to know all the refugees moving around in this world. Ai Weiwei, the artist, made a film about them ... which I wrote about in 2018, while I still have a book to read, then I wrote about 'Flee' another film, which was an animated one - I thought it was exceptional. We hear about a great many movements on this side of the pond - Europe, Asia, Africa etc - this is another film for me to see - thanks for the review - cheers Hilary

  23. 2 million a year? That's 2 million too many. I hope they were able to reach their goal. Sound like a movie with a very powerful message.


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