Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Wordless Wednesday: LOL


Truer words have never been spoken. 😅


  1. LOL I totally agree hahah! :-)

    Have a youngtastic week Rosey 👍

  2. It is very weird, and just doesn't seem possible.

  3. Haha! It depends on what age you think is old, but hmm I don't want to think about that haha

  4. Fun thought for the day. I agree! Truer words have never been spoken!

    - Debbie, basichomediy

  5. You are so right ... truer words have never been spoken ... cheers Hilary

  6. LOL! This is so true - I think the same thing when I see the person looking back at me in the mirror. Stephanie

  7. `love this as I think the same, or laugh at how I thought people were old at 30 when I was younger

  8. I have a sweatshirt that says that and I love wearing it.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug. ♥

  9. lmao lmao!!! So true lol I love it!!! Thank you for the laugh.

  10. Yep & we just keep getting older!

  11. Last year was very stresfull to me and I feel so tired. I`m 41 but I feel like 61 probably. Not funny.

  12. Its a fun thought of the day! I love your wordless wednesdays!

  13. This is so relatable. Its so weird but its true.

  14. Age is just a number, our mind is the main player to decide our age. So let's beleive we are 18 till we die 😂

  15. What a super funny concept! I am not sure if I feel as old as old people, but am getting there!

  16. Absolutely right. Kind of strange but fun.
    - Shilpa Bindlish

  17. I'm 29 and I'm already feeling old... And these words are exactly to the point.

  18. That is silly but so relatable. I often forget that I am not a kid anymore. This is especially true when joking around with my daughter although, when the you know what hits the fan, I immediately snap back and get hit with reality. haha

  19. haha. I have just turned 38. and when I was a kid I thought this age was really old. But I still feel like I am 18

  20. Haha. As I get older I am starting to understand this more and more x

  21. Age is only a number you are as old as you feel. :)

  22. Haha omgosh...well age is a state of mind ;D

  23. Oh my, this statement is just crazy and very complicated! But this is definitely a fact in our modern world! We must thing like the old to adopt to this era!

  24. Ha, I love that. It's amazing at how our perception of "old" changes as we get older.

  25. I agree. I hate that the kids today are now wearing the styles I wore when I was their age. It's like we've come full circle and I hate that I'm old enough to see trends come back around again LOL

  26. Hihi...why does this remind me of the blog I published last week? We all age sometime and for many of us, that time comes by without realising it!

  27. Totally agree if it was the younger me reading this but the older me thinks I am still young lol

  28. Haha, I think it does feel weird when you get to the same old age as old people. This is interesting.


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