Sunday, December 11, 2022

Sealed by Santa: Best Personalized Santa Letter Company Online


Sealed by Santa!

Just a quick heads up that there's still time for your kids to get a letter from Santa. Have they made the 'nice list' this year?  If so, these are the cutest letters I've ever seen coming from Santa, and they go right to the mailbox (from the North Pole, of course). The best part is, they're personalized (and they come with extra goodies!).

Each Deluxe Pack (there are 3 types to choose from) comes with a personalized letter, a certificate showing your child is on Santa's 'Nice List' complete with his signature, and Rudolph's hoof print 😉, one sugar cookie recipe, a post card with good ol' St. Nick on the front, crayons and a small coloring book. Bonus: Magic Reindeer food (cuz Santa's helpers have to eat too!).

You add the personal details to make the letter extra special.

Sealed by Santa is the #1 Personalized Santa Letter company online. They were featured on Shark Tnk and have sent out over 1 million letters!

Click HERE to start personalizing your letter from Santa Clause!


  1. Oh, I love this idea! My granddaughter would think this is so fun to get a letter from Santa himself.

  2. What a great idea! I remember getting letters from Santa when I was a kid and now I am the one doing them for my kids. This would make things so much easier!

  3. I can remember doing something similar to this when my girls were young. They had a lot of fun with it, and I learned about new things they wanted.

  4. What an awesome idea! I once got a personalized Christmas book for each of my kids. I wish letters from Santa had been a thing back then.

  5. Personalized letters are the best. They are make it so special.

  6. That's so cute. I love this idea!

  7. Aww, if my daughter still believe in Santa, this would have been perfect for her.

  8. Kids just abolutely love getting something like this. I need to get my daughter's sorted and wondering if I am too late for shipping?

    1. You still have time!! These are too cute. I got one for each of my granddaughters (except the one who doesn't believe in Santa ;) ).

  9. What a fun Christmas tradition! Any kid would be tickled pink to have a sweet letter from Santa!

  10. This is lovely, it would amazing to get a Christmas gift card for people. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  11. There can be nothing special like a personalized letter. The kids will definitely love them.

  12. I miss doing things like this for my girls! They always got a kick when something special came for them from the big man himself.


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