Saturday, October 15, 2022

How To Switch Up Weekly Dinners At Home

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It’s typical for dinners at home to feel a bit monotonous after a while. It’s to be expected if the same meals are being made every week with no variation. It’s important that food is a positive experience and that it’s enjoyable with every meal that we have.

With that in mind, here are a few ways to switch up weekly dinners at home in order to enjoy eating at home.

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Try some new recipes

When it comes to eating out, we’re often given a variety of dish types, which makes it exciting. Eating at home may have become consuming the same old dishes like chicken pasta to a homemade curry. Why not get creative and try some new recipes that haven’t graced the household’s plates yet?

This instant pot BBQ meatballs for example is a great way to bring some BBQ food to the table in a unique way that’s probably not been tried before. Keep it interesting and take some inspiration from other chefs online.

Experiment in the kitchen

When it comes to switching up the weekly dinners, try to experiment some more in the kitchen. It may be that some ingredients have never been used before or that have never been heard of before. This can be great to add something different to the standard dishes that we’re used to.

For example, there may be a new sauce that goes with a pasta dish that hasn’t been tried before. Experiment and have fun when it comes to cooking - that’s what it’s all about!

Be gracious with herbs and spices

Herbs and spices are fantastic ways of switching up the weekly dinners at home. Not enough people use herbs and spices and many don’t know how to use them successfully.

They may end up adding a pinch and not wanting to overpower the dish. However, it’s always useful to go for a larger pinch than a small one, unless it’s spice-related.

Meal plan ahead for the week

In order to get the most out of the weekly meals, plan ahead. Planning ahead is a great way to find all the right ingredients and to shop all this so it’s ready for cooking. It may be that the household bulk cooks the meals on Sunday in order to save time and effort. This is often a much more effective way of switching up the meal plan.

Try new food cuisines

There are plenty of food cuisines out there that are unlikely to have been tried before. From Pakistani food to Jamaican, don’t just opt for the food cuisines that one is used to. Try different food cuisines and as a result, every week will be a new opportunity to try something unique.

Switching up meals benefits the relationship with food

Everyone has a different relationship with food and incorporating new meals can be a great way of improving it. After all, boredom and food shouldn’t go together. Food should be an experience that’s exciting and fun for all.


  1. Hi Rosey - I love cooking different things ... and will always mix and match the foods I enjoy, that are almost always in my fridge or on my shopping list. Use the foods you enjoy and try new ideas ... great thoughts you've got here. Cheers Hilary

  2. I have to admit I tend to make the same things every week, but on weekends, I like to cook something I've never made before.

  3. I make the same thing almost every week. It does get old. Whenever I try something new I ask my whole family, "is this something you would eat again." I always hope it is a yes!

  4. Jason has been taking the brunt of the meal cooking these past few months. This have definitely been a little more interesting to say the least LOL.

  5. I love trying new recipes. My family is always excited when I do. - Appetizers & Entrées

  6. Making a meal plan ahead of time really helps when it comes to trying new stuff. Thank you so much for these tips.


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