Tuesday, September 6, 2022

How To Find Authentic, Excellent Food In NYC

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New York City is one of the food capitals of the world, celebrated by food writers, chefs, and general foodies in perpetuity. It’s considered to be one of the best cities for food because of the diverse array of cultures present there, and the long-form history of the city has allowed some businesses can track their lineage all the way to the 1800s.

However, while there are so many amazing places to eat, the wide variety of options available naturally implies that some places are worth avoiding.

So, finding authentic, excellent food in NYC, requires a stringent approach to identifying value. In this post, we’ll discuss a few tips you can use to avoid disappointing experiences.

Look For Businesses With History

Businesses with community, history and authentic cultural tradition behind them will usually have a unique selling point to offer. For instance, finding Mustang Harry’s, the best Irish sports bar and restaurant near MSG can give you the full scope of community celebration, with food curated by prestigious chefs seeking to preserve the history of its famed location.

Make sure not to dismiss a location simply because of the venue - for instance, the best chicken wings you can find may be served by a local eatery or even in a comedy club. Some of the best pizzas you can eat will be from traditional establishments that haven’t updated their decor since the 70s. In such a historic location, food biases are better left at the door.

Check Out Legendary Eats

NYC is about excess, vibrancy, and round-the-clock availability, which is why on-the-go food is so celebrated here.

There are many legendary eating spots in NYC, from Katz’ Delicatessen providing legendary thick-cut pastrami sandwiches, to Lombardi’s pizza shop for perfectly structured pizza, many authentic eats that have a tradition may not change up their recipes due to how astoundingly popular they are.

Family restaurants and those which provide high-indulgence foods (like the legendary chopped cheese) are usually worth the visit.

Street Food Is Key

The NYC street food scene is booming and has been since food trucks became the norm, but many hot dog and burger trucks have been there for decades, too. Even simple food that may be inexpensive and modest is worth checking out, because they present the soul and the spirit of the city more than any Michelin star restaurant can.

Moreover, cultural providers of street food renew their menus often and make sure to release their upcoming location visits on social media. You’ll often see lines queuing up on that street before the food even arrives. A guide to great street food in NYC can help you prioritize your approach for lunch no matter where you are in the city. There’s bound to be a great street food truck nearby.

With this advice, you’ll continue to find authentic, excellent food in NYC. After all, if an iconic city like this can’t fill you up and leave your taste buds singing, no place can.


  1. Great advice no matter the city. We do lots of research when looking for new menus to enjoy. Street food can be most delicious.

    Have a fabulous day and week, my friend. ♥

  2. I love a bit of street food can be delicious, good post and informative too 🍝

    Have a tastytastic week Rosey 👍

  3. Awesome tips!!! I love NYC because it has a ton of amazing cuisine but you're right, not always you can easily find the authentic food...Great tips...

  4. I love NYC and the food is amazing there. There are so many options and you can definitely find a fancy place up to your tastes and budget. you give a great insight here!

  5. We were told to look for the sketchiest restaurants and eateries and that's where we would find the best and most authentic NYC food. It was great advice! Though I feel like we got ripped off on the food truck hot dogs the family had to have, it was still a fun experience.


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