Wordless Wednesday: Legacy Matters


This saying moves me. 

What kind of legacy are we leaving behind?

This sign reminds me of so many things...

the environment first and foremost, but so many other things too. 


  1. Sadly I think that much of our legacy is deplorable.

  2. I hope it is not true. I don't want the world to accept what is going on now.

  3. We certainly need to do more about the environment than we're currently doing.

  4. I never thought about this but it is very very true!!! The struggle is definitely worth it.

  5. Hi Rosey - I'm not sure the next generation will thank us ... we're not the most sensible ... let's hope - cheers Hilary

  6. Spot on. I love this.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug. ♥

  7. Wow. It's so true! We are teaching our children what to expect. You said the environment... I'm teaching my boys to reuse, recycle, reduce waste, etc. To them, that's all they know!

  8. This is so important. We have to be good role models so the next generation can be even better. That's our legacy.

  9. I could interpret this saying in several ways. But definitely can see what John Wesley meant.

  10. It's not always true. I know my kids are passionate about helping the environment and I find the next generation is more tolerable, which is better. So many older people are so close minded about things.

  11. Very true. We as parents have a big job to do. I feel like society is not focusing on the right things at the moment, and folks are very selfish when considering what to promote.

  12. Or one generation will reject. I think things change, focus shifts and if we are honest it was the Gen X and Baby Boomers who kinda started making the mess that the Millenials and Gen Z have to fix.

  13. Love it...So true and I hate what is going on at the moment ....

    Have a tolerabletastic week 👍

  14. Sadly I see too much of this in my country. We've tolerated so much over the years, it's only now as we try to break it - we can't. Things seem too set in stone.

  15. I do think it's amazing how different generations view and interact with things so differently. Whether that be working, digital technology, the environment and more x

  16. I think ths is something can see hat it could happen. But it can go both ways and it's interesting to see it.

  17. Wow! This question is caught me off guard. Definitely a great question that needs to be attend to. With this generation more on social media and gadgets, it's just so hard to think.

  18. I think that we've not done well when it comes to the environment. We all need to try a bit harder to create a bigger impact, old and young.

  19. The world is a huge mess and I hope that a future generations will undo it. Inflation seems to be as bad as the great depression.

  20. I'll have to agree with the general tone, it's a mixed bag.

  21. It reminds me of the saying, 'hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times.' It's a never-ending cycle and history just repeats itself over and over again through the generation. Unfortunately I think we are at the point where we've created hard times. But as both sayings suggest, it will create a stronger generation and hopefully better days are ahead of us. I'd like to say we'll learn our lesson one day, but the truth is each generation needs to learn it themselves. It's not something that will ever be fixed.

  22. There are many ways you can understand what he is saying. I agree to disagree .

  23. I am hopeful that this saying doesn't apply. Some of what is going on now, we DON'T want future generations to embrace.

  24. yes to this! We really need to be mindful!

  25. It is so amazing to see the next generation be even more accepting and forgiving than the previous one.

  26. That is powerful! I hope the next generation doesn't just accept what is going on now. Maybe they will BE the change so badly needed.

  27. This is so true! We are trying to live cleaner to lessen our foot print!

  28. So true, but I would have put in the word have to - the next generation will have to embrace

  29. I am thinking about out legacy more and more these days. the world has gone crazy and I now am a parent. You blog post got me back t these thoughts again

  30. I agree, I think the world has gone crazy. I'm afraid of what world my child is going to grow up in.

  31. This is so true. Being a great role model is definitely key for the next generation.

  32. I think it is so true. We need to be careful with that for our next generations!

  33. This is so true I absolutely agree with this! What we do to our society or nature, the next generation will, benefit from it or they’ll suffer from it.

  34. The words are so true. I had to embrace the things that my parents generation tolerated

  35. This perspective is interesting. I think always the next generation will look a things slightly different

  36. Love this saying. I wish we would all love after our planet more, otherwise we will be leaving behind destruction

  37. Very thought provoking quote. Let's hope the next generation learns from our mistakes and forges a better path for future generations.

  38. This is sad yet important reminder for everyone. Definitely a thought provoking post and hoping that the new generation will break the cycle.


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