(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: Alligator Affection

Alligator Affection? Well...'affection' is a bit of a stretch. 

While these fascinating creatures do ruin all chances for us to ever swim in fresh water, 
and I'm certainly never going to befriend one (which I don't think is even possible), 
I still don't think they should be confined to a pool surrounded by glass. 
It seems almost deplorable even, to do so.
I may be getting soft in my old age
I'm fine with that... 🌞  
and secretly, I've always been soft anyway 


  1. I've never seen an alligator up close, but I agree that they shouldn't be confined in cages. It'll definitely be a memory if I ever see one haha

    1. I've seen them from a canoe vantage that I am not in a rush to repeat (and that was many, many years ago). ;) :)

  2. Hi Rosie - yes ... alligators or crocodiles are animals I'd like to meet in the great outdoors - though obviously they have lots of wonderful evolutionary history ... extraordinary creatures. Me ... I'm soft too - yet we've learnt lots from zoos or similar - now is the time to ensure they are better looked after when confined. All the best - Hilary

    1. Yes, I think awareness has made conditions a lot better. Hurrah for humanity. :)

  3. Fantastic beasts. They've been here a lot longer than us too!!

    1. Yes to both, and I think them every time I see one. :)

  4. They are important creatures, but I wouldn't want to swim with them.

  5. Haha, he/she looks cool! Just wonder how we face it in real without a glass between us.

    1. They are cool looking. Definitely baddies. :)

  6. I'm with you on the penning up of them. Let them run free as they were meant to be.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  7. I am with you. I really, really don't like to see animals caged.

    1. I know like Alex said below, that it's sometimes better for them... and in those cases lucky for them and us that they've been saved and we've been educated. It's the other times though, that are not so great... when they're penned just for show (and sadly I'm sure there are still plenty of such instances). Have a wonderful day!

  8. Sometimes there are ones they can't release back into the wild. Our state aquariums are pretty good about that.

  9. I love alligators. They are such amazing creatures!

  10. Is it weird that I think dwarf crocodiles are kind of cute. We love seeing animals!

  11. What fab close ups Rosey I agree with you about being confined to but having said that I would keep my distance LOL

    Have a gatortastic week 👍

  12. Hihi....softness is good! We need more it and we need to let go of all animals that belong in the water, back into the water!

  13. I am honestly terrified of them. Ive never seen them as close as this.

  14. We don't have alligators here who live freely in the nature. The only way to see them is to go to the zoo. I'm not a big fan of animals having to live in enclosed areas.

  15. Well, they shouldn't be caged but we definitely need to careful where to put them and when we are around them.

  16. I have a blow up alligator in my pool. It scares my cat every day, not as much as a live one would scare her I bet!

  17. Aligators really freak me out but they are so cool to see in person!

  18. Alligators are such magnificent beasts! I don't think I've seen one in the flesh though. I've only seen crocodiles in zoos in my corner of the world.

    Happy weekending, Rosey.

  19. They are incredible creatures although I do admit I'd be scared if one was nearby. They're best suited for their natural habitat.

  20. I have huge respect for these creatures - they are fierce and powerful! I once saw a whole host at a sanctuary. Some of them were missing limbs and it was quite a sight let me tell you.

  21. Alligators scare me to death, I've never seen any in real life and i would love to, from distance of course lol

  22. I am so glad we don't have alligators here! I wouldn't want one in my back yard!

  23. Alligators are so interesting - they look so fierce and ancient. Thank you for sharing!

  24. I'm with you. I am not a fan of keeping animals locked up unless medically necessary and they wouldn't survive in the wild. That includes ugly (but honestly a little cute imo) alligators.

  25. Such impressive creatures. I can't remember the last time I saw an alligator.

  26. Such magnificent creatures but I would be a little worried about swimming in fresh waters just incase they come to say hi

  27. We travel a lot and my husband always laughs at me because I love jumping into the water wherever we go but I'm always asking about alligators.
    ~ Paula Richie

  28. I wouldn't ever want to come in contact with one, but do think alligators are interesting.


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