Don't Lose Your Compassion over Covid

My boss said I would be cleared to come back to work on Wednesday, but she'd try to get me back sooner. I'd contacted them the moment I tested positive, as we are instructed to do, and at that moment, I was sick, really sick, and no, 'how do you feel?' or anything even similar to that came from her, just 'we'll try to get you back sooner.' Now, my boss is not a person lacking in compassion, or at least that has never appeared to be the case. And this pandemic has created a stress on her that is undeniable, and constant. However, I was semi-shocked at the lack of humanity, almost mechanical response coming from her when I gave her my news. As my grandma would have said, "What am I? Chopped Liver?"

I could just chalk it up to meh, you're the nine millionth person to get it and we have to find a replacement while you're gone stress, but nope, not gonna do that... I realize it's hard to get coverage and in my job imperative to do so, but I'm still human, and I'm still sick, and a little humanity would have been kind on her part, and appreciated by me. Why do I say this? To remind people not to lose their compassion in the face of Covid. Yes, it's taxing on all of us in different ways, but it's also affecting people and shouldn't people always be the priority?

For anyone who is interested, here are how the symptoms looked for my first (and hopefully only) case of Covid: 

It started off with a weird feeling in my head, entirely out of the blue. Almost a headache, that made me just want to rest. It progressed to two days of throwing up and me thinking I must have the flu. I could hold nothing down, not even sips of water. I also had the chills.

Throughout all of that and continuing was the sleep... all I wanted to do was sleep. I'd open my eyes and see the clock, '2 o'clock, 4 o'clock, 3 a.m.' and go back to sleep. That's literally as long as I stayed up, long enough to see the clock. I remember opening my eyes and thinking, "I've had enough of this, I need to get up" and then going back to sleep. I finally told my kids' aunt I might have Covid, but even as I said it, I was thinking I probably didn't (you just think of Covid every time you get sick now). She said she had a home test she'd leave at my front door. I took it and tested positive. I stared in disbelief, contacted my job, and went back to sleep. Today, for the first time since this started, I am up for very small blocks of time. Enough to sit and write this, and that makes me feel grateful. I got through, with no shortness of breath, I didn't lose my taste or smell (though I still want absotlutely nothing to eat). These things lead me to believe I have omicron vs. delta.

I'm still very tired after little to no effort of doing anything, and now my nose is running too (like a cold).

So to recap, it was a headache (and feeling 'off') that happened first. Then the flu-like symptoms...and now it feels like a cold with the one exception being I have been and am still, very tired throughout it all. Not the kind of tired I thought Covid would be, just the kind of tired where you sleep and that's all you want to do, period. Hoping for a speedy recovery. Grateful for friends and family who were concerned (it's nice to be cared about when you're sick...any time really, but especially when you're sick) and crossing my fingers that none of you get it, but if you do, that you recover fully and quickly. 

Has the timing of my virus got me down? Nope. I don't predicate my new year success on how the year begins. I think it's just one thing that happened coincidentally with 2022 rolling in. 

Stay well, stay safe, and Happy New Year to you! 


  1. I'm glad you're feeling better, but you need to rest for more time. I remember having the flu when I was still working and the first day back I only made it a half day. Absolutely no energy. I'm sorry your boss has no compassion. It's so needed.

    Have a healthy day and week ahead, my friend. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee. You weren't kidding, that first day up wears you out. You feel more ambitious than your body will allow. Another thing happening is I've slept so many days now, that I'm wide awake at 2:30 in the morning, lol. Still adjusting. :)

  2. Sorry you got it. First one I've heard throw up.
    I think a lot of compassion went out the window with the pandemic - do as you're told and don't make waves.

    1. Thanks, Alex... and yes, do as you're told and don't make waves. That's exactly how society feels right now.

  3. I am so sorry to read this. I hope you continue to get better and that your boss finds her heart.

    1. Thank you. I feel pretty decent now!! Just can't get to sleep because I've spent so many days sleeping! :)

  4. Ah sorry you had to deal with this. I had it mid last year and had two days where I was really sick! Glad you are on the mend. Good luck with your boss!

    1. Glad you got through okay! My boss is generally very kind. I think she's just overwhelmed with the whole thing... it's sure been going on a long time.

  5. Just take more rest and if you can, drink a lot of water, take vitamin C, and eat healthy foods. These will help you. I hope you feel much better soon.

    1. Thank you, Risa. Sound advice, and I'll take it.

  6. It is hard when there does seem to be not as much sympathy. My daughter has it in November and so did my Mum, thankfully not too badly but the tiredness was extreme.

    1. Yes, that tiredness wastes a lot of perfectly good time that you can't get back. Glad your daughter and mum made it through okay!

  7. I'm glad you are recooping but you are so right, we have to remember compassion. My new flooring was to go in tomorrow, and the carpenter's daughter got covid and now we are delayed a week. We've been preparing for two weeks like mad men, but now we can ease up a bit.

    1. I'm sure it was upsetting to have to wait, but I am glad you remembered your compassion. I hope all is well with his daughter soon.

  8. You are right though. People are tired of hearing about the virus and with it their compassion is flying right out the window. We're all human and deserve a little sympathy when dealing with it. My BIL was hospitalized and I had a close friend say "Well, he's a Trump supporter and he's unvaccinated, so are we really supposed to feel sorry he's in the hospital?" Um, yes we are because at the end of the day, he's a living breathing person with a wife and children who depend on him. No matter your politics, let's try to be decent humans, OK?

    Hope you feel tip top again real soon xoxo

    1. I'm so sorry to hear your BIL was hospitalized!! And yes, I have heard people share such awful, awful things if they don't agree with others on this (and politics) and it's left me a bit reeling.

  9. Gosh I hate that for you. Hope you feel better. We all tested positive for Covid - 4 of us - at the same time - we are just getting over it ourselves!

    1. Hey you!! It's been so long!! I'm so happy to see you. I bet it was hard to have everyone down at the same time. Glad you made it through and I hope you're all feeling 100% soon!

  10. Hi Rosey - I feel for you both ... she might have just been plain overwhelmed by her situation and perhaps her own health, yet obviously you were doing what was right for you and the company. She might have just run out of brain power - but I'm pleased you're better and hope the rest of the family has got through.

    Take care and a very happy New Year once you can feel like life is starting up again ... with thoughts - Hilary

    1. I'm sure she was stressed. We have to have a replacement if we're out and no one wants to come in and do it. Happy New Year to you too, Hilary. :)

  11. I do feel like COVID has really made me more hard. I miss being generally optimisitc and happy, and I miss not being truly disapointed in humanity. It's hard.

    1. It's certainly changed a lot of things including what we see as 'normal.'

  12. So sorry you had to go through this. Thank you for sharing your truth. Brighter days are ahead!

    1. We have SO many people out of work with it right now.

  13. I hope you feel better soon. Make sure to have vitamins D3, zinc and a multi on hand.

  14. It's a shame your boss wasn't a bit more emphathising; I think her manner would've got to me too.

  15. Sorry that you suffered with Covid-19. I pray that you fully recover soon. Take care of yourself.
    ~ Paula Richie

  16. This is so important because I do feel like a lot of people aren't as compassionate, especially certain companies aren't to their employees. It's actually pretty sad. I understand your boss being under stress, but it is nice for someone to check in on your wellbeing especially since covid is serious versus them focusing on you getting back to work.

  17. So sorry to hear of your sickness, Rosey. You had it worse than many, but at least at least you were able to manage it at home and are now getting better. Take care of yourself (I know, a hard thing to do for a mother)!

  18. Thank you for this post and we just had a bought of the new strain in our home for Christmas….. so glad its over and I hope your are doing OK.

  19. Hope that you get over the sickness and are feeling better soon. <3

  20. When I had it, it was very similar. I could not stay awake. CRAZY exhaustion. Wishing you well and yes, compassion and kindness always.

  21. Great you are on the mend. It is sure one weird virus. Mine was headache and achy at first and then tired/running nose and fever for a bit. I didn't throw up, but it came out the other end lol Took 2 weeks to fully go away.

    Hang in there and keep on doing what is right for you.


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