Joel Marion says you can ALWAYS eat after 7 pm!

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Disclosure: This post is brought to you by our sponsor, "Always Eat After 7PM."

Well, one thing I didn't expect from the social distancing and stay-at-home mandates is that I would gain a pound a day. A pound a day! And while I took instant measures when I discovered it, to help start turning the numbers on the scale right back around in the other direction, it put me in the mindset of wanting to get and keep my weight where it should be. One thing I have found to be totally true, is that it is not as easy to drop pounds as it used to be, maybe that is because I am getting older? Whatever the reason, I was happy to agree to receive a copy of "Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks--While Burning Fat Overnight" by Joel Marion. It was perfect timing to get it.

Based on surprising science, Always Eat After 7 PM debunks popular diet myths 
and offers an easy-to-follow diet that accelerates fat-burning and allows you to indulge i
n your most intense food cravings: Eating the majority of your calories at night. 

Some of the concepts in it shatter things I’ve always known to be the norm(such as the title alone). I like things that are a bit outside of the norm but still could make good sense, so I wanted to look more into it. I'll be sharing my personal experiences with the book as I work through some of the concepts. I am excited to give this a try.

Here is an excerpt from the book:

“So, despite all the bad press over the years, certain carbohydrates play an important role in balancing your hormones and regulating your metabolic rate, while avoiding the dreaded weight loss plateaus that accompany conventional mainstream diets. Furthermore, when you eat these carbohydrates, you’ll feel much better than you would if you were following a traditional diet.”

Shed a few pounds and still be able to eat carbohydrates? Do you see why I’m intrigued? That sounds super/great/awesome/fantastic to me. While I understand the importance of all things in moderation, I also love the fact that there might be a plausible way to work on a healthier body, while still getting to enjoy foods I like, including those with carbs.

"We've been traditionally taught to avoid carbs, have an early dinner, and never eat before bed. But the fact is, the latest scientific research shows us this earlier model is not the most ideal."

Finding the best ways that actually work for me to lose a few pounds, and maintain good health, matter to me a lot so I am excited to start this journey with "Always Eat After 7 PM: TheRevolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts,and Indulgent Snacks--While Burning Fat Overnight" by Joel Marion. I will write four posts about it, one a week, to share how this is working for me. This is post #1. 

Learn more about the book and how to purchase here.

Disclosure: This post is brought to you by our sponsor, "Always Eat After 7PM."


  1. Good luck.
    I have found the 5:2 eating plan works for me. And that the weight lost stays away.

  2. I am also reading this book and I was shocked about the carbohydrates statement. I enjoy carbs so much so this will certainly be one that I will be able to stick with.

  3. I didn't realize that it would be hard to drop pounds after a hysterectomy. I'm supposed to have an ablation as soon as I can get an appointment (mine first was cancelled due to the virus) and I'm wondering if that will have the same affect? I may have to get me a copy of this book if I notice the weight starting to pack on.

  4. This is really an interesting concept, this is the second review I have seen of this book and I agree it has been very easy to put on weight in lockdown if you're not careful - I have taken up YouTube exercise videos. I look forward to reading how you do with this.

  5. It does look tasty! That is a lot of carbs.

  6. I'm ready to shed fat and I'm so interested in this new system. Imagine eating after 7 pm again and just enjoying carbohydrates again. I'm all about it.

  7. This looks like a great way to try to lose after 7pm I am in sounds like a great plan to try x

  8. I read about an article just like this one very recently. This must be working for some people :) - Dan "Jay" Reyes

  9. I have been eating a lot since the lockdown. Cant stop eating

  10. Having a nice routine of eating can make our body react to it's full potential. We should keep or maintain this kind of system to make our body more healthy and fit as we fight this pandemic in our time.

  11. Hahaha since the lockdown, most of the time I don't watch the time for each of my meal. I just enjoyed eating!

  12. I love this video as I am into fitness and still trying my best to get the 6 packs. It seems so hard as I am always hungry.

  13. I have been seeing this book around a lot the past couple of weeks. I am very intrigued by it because it is so different than the normal diet plan.

  14. Wow! They usually say that you should not eat beyond 6 PM. Now, I'll eat more beyond 7 PM. This is nice to know!

  15. i will have to pick up his book. i love my carbs and yet i try to do the intermittent fasting ending at 7pm each day (almost).

  16. I do eat after 7PM in the evening. I dont take too much carbs though. But here the idea is different, a new learning for me

  17. This is really interesting! I have heard that it's not good to eat after 6, so I'd love to read about the scientific research that debunks that myth! I' love carbs and I do eat them during dinner too.

  18. i also eat after 7 otherwise i get mega hugry , will be looking out for his book kind regards pati robins @ style-squeeze blog

  19. I keep hearing great things about this book, I'll have to see if I can pick up a copy.

  20. wow. someone who is really serious into getting fit will surely buy this book. i think a lot of us will be shocked with the content of this book! I think im going to need this...

  21. A pound a day sure can add up over time. It is always easier to keep it off than it is to get it off.

  22. I've heard about this new diet but I still haven't tried it. I like idea of snacking after 7PM


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