Friday, April 17, 2020

FREE Printables for Kids! Fun Ways to Entertain at Home


It looks like certain areas are going to start reopening on May 1st, if what I saw online today is to be believed. Are we ready? Who can say for sure. I know schools put a LOT of work into the online atmosphere, so I honestly thought kids would be home the rest of the school year. I just read, however, that the governor for our state wants schools opened in the second phase of getting back to 'business as usual' so if that's before school ends, so be it. Even so, kids are still home now, and they like different things to do each day for entertainment. Welch's was kind enough to give me some links to share with you: Free Printables and games for the kids (BINGO, Mazes, Word Searches, Matching Games, Crossword Puzzles and Coloring Pages)! It's always nice to have a few extra tricks up your sleeve for entertainment. I know my kids always liked these kinds of things when they were little. Thank you Welch's!


  1. My daughter teaches history and art in a charter H.S. setting up lesson plans and being on Zoom takes so much time. But she is very relieved to see her students continuing.

    I don't know about May 1st. We will see.

  2. Good way to keep kids entertained. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Great to give the kiddos more to do indeed. I highly doubt most places will be open may 1st, unless they are wanting to start all over again like idiots. But we shall see.

  4. Mica would enjoy these. It's on the list as a no no, for Isaak because he has braces.

  5. How nice of them to offer the free printables! Our school closed for the rest of the year back in March, but the kids still have to do e-learning online. The last day for that will be on the 20th of May. School wasn't supposed to be out until June 9 or 10, so Allison feels like she won big time this year LOL. I think it was Illinois who just extended the stay at home order until the end of May and Michigan is supposed to extend another 2 weeks by this afternoon, so Indiana will probably get an extension soon as well since our governor tends to follow what the surrounding states are doing before making a decision first.

  6. Thanks for sharing. Good way to keep kids entertained.


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