LeapFrog and VTech Toys are a GREAT Value!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions stated are genuine and my own.

The picture is far too big (I left it that way on purpose to ask a question) and the boy is lopsided, I know, (but still cute). :)  Don't mind me, I'm just playing with features on my camera and shot this sideways photo on accident. I don't mind though, I like things that are slightly different than the ever-typical. My question for camera gurus though, is why does the picture show up clear at a normal size, but when I make it bigger to fit the page better, using the html, it's a little out of focus? Probably because I'm restricted by my server? I have been thinking of switching to one that gives me more freedom...in fact, I've been thinking about it so long, that I should probably just go ahead and take the leap on Monday. We shall see. But back to what this post is about...toys!!! And not just any toys, we're talking high quality toys that will last for generations to come (making an already good value, a great value). We're talking LeapFrog and VTech Toys!

There, that's better, as far as being straight, but enlarging it to fit the page (the same numbers I've always used) so it isn't so tiny makes it a little out of focus (you see what I mean?). In his hands are new gifts for my grandbabies. Yes, grandbabies!!! I don't know how we went from one to three so fast (well, I do, but you know what I mean), but I'm so, so so sooo happy our family is growing!!! For the youngest, who isn't born yet (grandma is very proactive with getting toys), little man is holding the LeapFrog 'My First Scout Book' and for the little one who was born in March, and is starting to love things that move and make noise, he has the VTech Push & Explore Elephant.

And going back to the photo, the default size for my DSLR is above. It's crystal clear, but I cannot enlarge it at all (to fill the page more) without getting the slightly blurry photo you see in the photo above it. *sigh* The photos from my far less expensive point-and-shoot camera enlarge, why don't these??? And that is definitely not a rhetorical question. If you have ideas, by all means, please share. :)

The toys themselves are awesome. Most everyone with kids knows that LeapFrog and VTech Toys are the best. I have items in the kids' baby boxes from both brands. In fact, the child holding the toys in these photos has a VTech toy in his baby box that he loved and used many months until he outgrew it. It's in so many of the family pictures, and he was so attached to it, that I knew it was going to get the honor of being stored in that box. Those boxes are very special; they contain memories of what each of my own 4 kids loved when they were little. I have one grown child (my second oldest), who still gives me items to put in his baby box (his first driver's license, the tag off of his first motorcycle, etc.). 💕

The My First Scout Book is for my second oldest child's son or daughter (we still don't know which) who will be here in January!! I wonder if he will start a baby box? They have a rescue dog in their family that goes with them, even on weekend cottage trips to get away, so I thought gifting their little one something with a dog on it just made fun sense. 

It's cute as can be, and full of items designed to delight little ones. You know, crinkly flowers, a baby-safe mirror to see the cutest face in the world, light up buttons, etc. There is a dog bone hidden on each of the two-page spreads which makes it a learning opportunity (it wouldn't be a LeapFrog product if that wasn't true). It also has big tabs on the side, so baby can change to their favorite 'page' in an instant. It does play a few songs (babies love music!) and has a soft carry handle on top, so you or your little one can carry it everywhere you go. It is recommended for ages 3 -24 months.

The VTech Push & Explore Elephant has a sturdy handle that "encourages crawling, exploration and motor skill development." The big textured ears are perfect for tactile stimulation, and it's VTech, so of course those buttons all do something great. You can hear a melody or short phrase when you push the button that has a music note on it. All buttons light up. The other buttons introduce the elephant and his other animal buddies, talk about shapes and colors, and play sounds. 

When you push the elephant the motion center activates and the action begins, or you can turn on the 'on' switch and manually push whichever or all of the buttons you would like to see and hear. This does take 1 AAA battery. It comes with one for demo purposes, but that won't last long (just a heads up). The elephant push toy is a cheery shade of purple, and the buttons are different colors to add visual interest. This is a great idea for helping smaller children to learn, while of course having fun while doing so... and because it is a VTech toy, it is going to last a very long time.

It's Play Time!

I am happy to present both of these toys to my baby grands, and I have zero doubt they are going to be very well received. You can learn more about LeapFrog and VTech Toys by visiting their websites. These toys are available online and/or in retail stores nationwide.


  1. Way cool. I'll bet my greats will love these too.

    Have a fabulous day. Happy 4th. ♥

  2. It's a size to dpi ratio. If the dpi was three hundred, you could make the image bigger and lower the dpi, thus preserving the quality of the photo. If the dpi was seventy-two and you tried to make it bigger without lowering the dpi, then yes, it will be fuzzy.

  3. hahaha oh the elephant is great. Scares the crap out of the kiddos here. I may or may not have used it to do that once or twice. Not sure why it sets them off and other things don't.

    Bah, a little crooked never hurt nothing.

  4. My nephew loves LeapFrog toys, and I love them because of the educational aspect

  5. I'll be honest with you, I don't know squat about photography. I usually tell Jason, "this is what I want my camera to do, buy me what I need" and he does the research. However, I have noticed that I get better results when I have my "image size" set to the largest setting on my camera (6000x4000). Anything smaller just doesn't work for me on the blog.

    As for Vtech and Leapfrog, you are right. They are great learning toys that definitely provide top notch value for the return of what kids get out of them!

  6. These toys are so cute and I love how easily it operates. It certainly will help to boost the motor skill of a child.

  7. I’ve got a 4 week old at the moment, can’t wait to try toys like these!!

  8. Oh this toy seems very interesting...I might pick it up for my friend's son birthday party. Thanks a lot for the recos.

  9. These look lovely. I would surely buy one for my nephew!

  10. Mama Maggie's KitchenJuly 4, 2019 at 4:29 PM

    Wow! These toys look soo fun top play. Kids will love these!

  11. When my kids were young, we bought a lot of vtech toys and leap frog toys as they are so educational

  12. Great for the little ones! I love the elephant the most, I used to have one just like it.

  13. I wish I had some of these toys when I was growing up. I loved my Vtech toys when I was younger. I'll make sure to share this post with my friends who are moms.

  14. You should upload your pictures at the maximum size you want them to appear online (the full-image size), and the use html to reduce the size that it will be displayed on the webpage (the preview size).

  15. these looks so cute and im sure my kids will be very much excited if I bought it for them, now I will have to look where I can find it

  16. My godson is turning two in a few months and I still haven't figured out what to give yet. My First Scout Book looks interesting and it's something that I'd gift. Anything fun and educations is my go-to.

  17. Another great collection of toys. Parents will have a tough time to keep their kids away from these set of toys.

  18. These would be great for my nephew. They are adorable toys.

  19. I've bought several LeapFrog & VTech toys for the kids in my family over the years. They've always loved them & agree that they are a great value.

  20. My kids had these when they were little and loved them

  21. I didn't even realize LeapFrog was still around! It was so innovative when my kids were little.


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