Thursday, January 10, 2019

HueTrition is Wishing You a Very Healthy New Year: $25 Paypal Giveaway

This information is brought to you by HueTrition. 

Nutritionist Lisa Underwood is going to have a Live Webinar, and if you're looking for a healthier new year, you don't want to miss it! Have you made a resolution to eat better as your New Year's Resolution? One of the hottest diet fads right now is the Keto diet. You may have started to follow it and use recipes you have found around the internet. Or maybe you have thought about it and done some research but you aren't sure if it's right for you. I honestly haven't tried it but am looking forward to learning more about it, right alongside those of you who do that here as well.

HueTrition is here to help you understand it better!

Join HueTritions first Live Webinar about the Keto Diet Do's & Don'ts During this event with HueTrition nutritionist, Lisa Underwood, she will talk about the Keto diet and other diets you may have considered to get health in 2019! This event is January 17 at 3pm EST (12pm PST).

BONUS - the first 5 people that send an email to will get to join this webinar for FREE!! Or you can visit to reserve your spot. There are a few events you can sign up for. – this is going to be your one stop place for all the nutritional advice, encouragement, and recipes you need to start off the new year for a healthier you! – this is going to be your one stop place for all the nutritional advice, encouragement, and recipes you need to start off the new year for a healthier you!

HueTrition Live is a brand new platform: Where Health & Wellness Meets Technology- The New Gateway to Food as Medicine & Preventative Health Destination
  • Attend and experience Live Streamed Events with our HueChefs, dietitians, and physicians
  • Access topics in health with real-time video
  • Advice from experts
  • Ask questions and answers
  • HueApproved food and health product reviews
  • And more

Sign up for Their first event: Debunking the Myths of Keto diet & How To Maintain Healthy Weight event January 17th at noon PST/3pm EST

Check out HueTritions HueTube Channel for lots of advice about nutrition. Or check out their website about HueApproved products.

Giveaway Details:

Sponsored by: HueTrition
Organized by:
1 Winner – $25 Gift Card of your choice
Open to US Residents
Dates – Ends January 24, 2019 11:59pm EST

Enter below:


  1. I didn't make a resolution but a goal to slow down on my monster energy drinks

  2. Resolution is to make more money

  3. I don't really make New Year's Resolutions, but I am really focused on getting my house more organized this year.

  4. I don't make new year's resolutions. Too much pressure on my lonesome

  5. Hubby and I are on a diet 365. We are ever watchful for health reasons for any food we eat. This getting old isn't for sissies.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  6. I really do not make any New Years Resolution, I do not keep them anyway, just try to be a better person.

  7. I don't make New Years Resolutions. They're just cliched and impossible to live up to.

  8. Just keep on keeping on at our sea. No magic day for we.

  9. Dont deal with too many deadbeats who can't pay their bills

  10. My new year's resolution is to get more organized. I'm going to start with getting all my photos in photo albums

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  11. I have some friends on the Keto diet and they've lost quite a bit of weight. I'm trying to eat more Mediterranean diet foods this year. More fresh, less processed. Sounds like an informative webinar and a great giveaway!

  12. I don't make resolutions because I don't follow through with them

  13. I did not make any resolution. I live a simple life without extremes.

  14. I would love to lose 5 lbs haha like everyone else. But also to sleep better!

  15. My new years goal is to have more water intake

  16. I would like to clear out some clutter from my house this year.

  17. I don't make New Year's Resolutions. It just isn't my thing.

  18. I would really like to walk more often and eat healthy

  19. Well mine were mindfulness and meditation but I'm thinking I need to focus on organization.... insured they will all be a focus of mine
    Kathleen Ellis

  20. I resolve to declutter! I have been procrastinating about this for the last few years and this year will be the one that works! (I hope) :)
    sweepster49 at comcast dot net

  21. I don't really make resolutions. Last year I declared 2018 as the the year of using stuff up-that went well until Yankee Candle had a big sale-I am no good at resolutions.

  22. To be more positive.

  23. Increasing frequency of gym time🌱

  24. I don't make resolutions. If you have to wait until the new year to start to make a change, it's a gimmick and won't stick.

  25. To be more organized. I don't know when I'm going to start on it, but it's the plan!

  26. I did not make a New Years resolution this year. I do plan to continue with my organizing and exercise plan and plan to up the latter somewhat.

  27. I don't have a resolution, but I am seeking happiness this year. Also, hubby and I are trying to get pregnant!

  28. I never make new year resolutions.

  29. My New Year's resolution is to continue to declutter our house & keep it better organized.

  30. Though I don't make resolutions, I've been making an effort to discover joy in little things, every single day.

  31. My resolution this year was easy to pick. I was seriously ill last year, spent months in the hospital, and have had to spend months in physical therapy learning to walk again, etc. So, I just want to get back to normal.

  32. No resolution for me. That way I don't have to break it.

  33. My resolution this year is to declutter the house

  34. I resolved to be a better friend and family member

  35. my resolution this year is to drink less soda

  36. I resolved to eat less sugar in my diet.

  37. My resolution is to relax more

  38. Mine is to get my home organized

  39. I am doing a dry January, that is the closest to a resolution I am getting this year.

  40. Mine was to be more positive.

  41. My resolution was to begin walking at least 1 hour per day.

  42. Exercise, eat healthy and cut back on sugary drinks and snacks.

  43. My resolution is to prepare my manuscript and send it out.

  44. My New Year's resolution is to eat more home cooked foods.

  45. Nah I never make New Year’s resolutions, they never work out lol


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