Saturday, October 21, 2017

Foundation Fighting Blindness: Slow Down Age Related Macular Degeneration

Age-related Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in people over 55. But with treatment it can be slowed down, stopped, and in some cases reversed. That is a big deal. If there is any way at all, that is safe of course, to help prevent blindness, isn't it definitely worth looking into? I think definitely, yes!

Blindness played in a role in my childhood, with my grandfather having sight in only one eye during his latter years. It affected so many things, but he was a real champ about it, and honestly if he complained, I never heard him. I know he missed being able to see us grow like he had been able to before. With limited or diminished vision so many things are affected. Make sure you see your grandchildren grow! Protect your vision by requesting information about diagnosing and treating AMD.

Call the FOUNDATION FIGHTING BLINDNESS TODAY AT 1-800-BLINDNESS for a free packet on reversing or managing AMD. Or, go to the website, where I found so much helpful information, or again, call 1-800-BLINDNESS today!


  1. Keeping the eyes in good shape sure should be a top priority for all.

  2. Thank you for the information, really helpful.

  3. I'll check this out. My vision gets worse every year. This aging isn't for sissies.

    We're heading home this morning. It will be good to sleep in our bed.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. Thanks for the info. I have cataracts started already, and I worry about Macular Degeneration.

  5. Definitely great information to be sharing. I am checked at least once a year foe AMD. This time they wanted me to come back at six months due to being diabetic and having cataracts. Thanks for sharing such important news,

  6. Wow...thank you so much for the info. I have to share this.

  7. I just got glasses. I'm still not used to them. It makes me wonder if they got my prescription wrong or something. I try, and wear them often to get used to them though.

  8. My eyes are starting to go bad as I entered my 40s. This is definitely a good reminder to get regular eye exams as we get older.

  9. This is a topic sometimes you don't think about until it is to late. I have to get my eyes checked it is that time.

  10. Great post! My eyes are getting worse day by day. We should really take care of it.

  11. Regular eye appointments are so important to keep checking for something like this. I'm glad to hear there are groups out there to help.

  12. We only get teo eyes in life, it is important to look after them! I currently wear contact lenses but I worry the constant touching of my eyes and not allowing oxygen into the retina can affect my eyesight long term! Thankyou for this informative post x

  13. I had a student in one of my classes recently that is blind. He used all sorts of accomodations to help him overcome this and was doing well, but then he had a stroke. Hoping that he will be able to return once he gets well.

  14. This is such an informative post. We neglect our eyes but so good to find out that there are groups who are offering help!

  15. It's wonderful that there are ways to slow down and stop AMD. Taking care of our eyes should always be a priority.

  16. My grand father dealt with Macular Degeneration and it was so hard to watch him deal with it. So tough!

  17. This information is great! I'm getting a little older and already have problems with my sight. So learning new ways to help is always good. I will be calling for my information packet. Thank you

  18. The idea of losing my sight scares the bejeezus out of me. I hope my eyes stay focused and healthy for a long, long time.

  19. This is definitely information we all need for our older family members as well as for ourselves. Thanks so much for sharing and spreading the word.

  20. What a great article and this is so informative my grandma was started to have cataracts I would tell her this to her.

  21. My grandfather was legally blind and was able to travel to Italy all by himself. I admired him so much for his determination to not let his vision stop him!

  22. Definitely good to know that they have developed treatment of such a thing. I wonder what it's going to be like once the first full generation has come and gone where they are staring at computers all day or their cell phones. How much more pronounced the degeneration will occur.

  23. Wow, it's good to know that there's a foundation that helps prevent AMD. I hope that this campaign can be available worldwide. Especially, those countries who can't afford medications.

  24. This is great information to be sharing, ver important to know and be able to inform other friends or family about!

  25. Age-related Macular Degeneration is something that everyone should be aware of and learn about. It is so important to take care of our bodies and be aware of things that can happen to us as we age. Awareness is key. Thanks for sharing the information.

  26. Thank you for sharing such information.It is always important to take good care of the eyes.

  27. Keeping your eyes healthy is very important. The information you provide are great.


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