Monday, October 28, 2013

Leaves Aplenty!

The weather has been so cold, and we've all had a touch of something or other for the last week or so, that I didn't want to get out in the yard and rake those leaves that had to be done. This weekend though, we had fantastic weather. Just look at that gorgeous sunshine in the pictures! That weather provided the perfect opportunity to do yard work, and a lot of it.  It turned out just me and little man were free to do it...and do it we did. My son worked his little tush off!

He got his wheelbarrow out of the garage and got right to busy with his mama.

He raked quite a bit, and this picture is not just for show, that boy was busy! He sings (loudly) when he's happy (I love that), and one of the neighbors came over to comment on it when little man went in the house for a water break.  Turns out, I'm not the only one who thinks his singing is awesome. ;)

I let him use the smaller blower, turned on low, for the first time ever, and he thought that was cream of the crop as far as yard work goes.

Well, except for the free rides down the hill to the burn pile. Nothing beats those. ;)

It literally took all day, but it was satisfying and fun (and tiring too).  There are still some leaves up there, but I'm thinking we'll just have one more go for the front yard and then we'll be done with it for the season  (at least for the front of the house).

Anyone else busy with Fall leaves right now?


  1. Wow, that's a lot of leaves indeed. We don't have too many here. I sure remember playing in the leaves when I was a kid.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. I need a leaf gatherer for the mower, for sure.

      Fabulous day to you too. :)

  2. That amount of leaves i leave for a good wind storm

    1. I'm sure my neighbors were hoping we didn't get a good wind storm, hahahaha. Seems like half the neighborhood was out doing yard work yesterday. :) Not too many nice days left, I suppose. :)

  3. Aw, what cute pictures! He sure does look like he was having fun!

  4. Delicious photos, beautiful fall colors! Lots of fun with the dry leaves!

    1. We did have fun. Raking leaves is far better than shoveling snow. :)

  5. Oh my gosh that looks like so much fun. If I showed that to my kids they would be beyond jealous. I love living in the South where leaves change but don't drop but my kids totally want leaves to jump in and snow to play in. We got snow once last year and they loved it. Ah, well. They can always visit my folks in NY!

    1. I didn't know the leaves changed but didn't drop. That is kind of cool!! When I lived in the South, it was way south (FL) and leaves didn't change at all. :)

  6. Didn't do any cleanup yet, but your son looked like he was a big help and also had a ton of fun doing this with you!! :)

    1. He's always had fun out there, but this was his first year really helping. He's so proud of himself too. My heart is happy thinking about it, lol. 6 is a fun age. :)

  7. Wow! That is a lot of leaves Rosey! Your little son is so wonderful. It is great that he so willingly helped to clear the leaves away. Enjoy the rest of your day.

    1. You ain't a kiddin', Judy. I'm glad he likes to be out there with me. It makes the work go a lot faster!

  8. That sure is a lot of leaves. We have one tree that drops leaves in the fall (the rest of our trees are pine trees), so we get some, but not too many. Most of ours blow in from the neighbors yard.

    1. I have to be careful to get ours up quickly (though I was slow on the uptake this year) so our neighbors don't get ours.

  9. hahaha is that what you'd call child labor? At least he had a ball singing away. Okay, now I will leave

    1. It's not child labor when they volunteer and don't get paid. ;) Though come to think of it, I did give him coins for his bank because he'd done such a fine job.'s not child labor if they volunteered and didn't know they were going to get paid. :)

  10. My kids are wishing they were helping your little guy rake leaves, ours are just starting to fall. They love to help. It means they get to use the grown up tools. And jump to their hearts content in the leaves. And get in the garbage cans to stomp the leaves. Everything is good in their eyes about cleaning up the fall leaves.

    1. Yep, same thing here. I casually mentioned we were doing leaves that day and my son was all over it, "yeah, we're doing leaves!!" lol :)

  11. Hey Rosey, thanks for your fun noticing of the sun burst. Little things like that, I have to point out because I didn't intentionally try to get that. It just happened.

    and I hope this isn't a downer

    but when I was your son's age, I was leaping and rolling around in the autumn leaves and that night when heading into the bath, my Mom wondered what the odd looking mole was on my back? It was a wood tick and I got it from being in those leaves. I had to have doctor remove it with tweezers. Check him out to just ease my mind, k? (hug)

    1. No, def. warranted, we've come across a snake (harmless but still), and you just never know. Thanks Renae. :)

  12. Looks like he really did do a great job! What a hard working boy! We have a few leaves, but most of the trees still are holding onto all their leaves. It has been a strange season so far.

  13. I don't know what's going on with our leaves this year. They are barely even changing color yet. They should have already been mostly down by now! Watch, they will fall, then it will snow right afterwards so we won't be able to get to them! Ugh!

    You have quite the cute little helper with your leaves!

    1. We had leaves after snow last year and I was raking in the snow, that was comical. :)

  14. I don't think I've ever seen so many leaves at one place :)

    1. We have more... lots more, haha. I should be done in a week or so, then we'll have to do it one more time. Next year I think I'll invest in a leaf box for the riding mower.

  15. I can't wait for falling leaves!! We've only had a few here so far, but I love it!

    1. I love working with my son all day, that was priceless actually. :)

  16. I love crunchy dry leaves and walking to through them... that is one of the best parts of fall :)

    1. I like the crunch sound when we're out on the walking trail!

  17. Thank goodness I don't have to rake leaves any longer. As soon as the leaves fall here, they seem to blow away.

    1. We (us and our neighbors) share ours via wind too. ;)

  18. This brings back childhood memories of my jumping in huge piles of leaves. Good times :)

    1. Agreed, I had a ball in the leaves when I was a kid too.

  19. I love this post Rosey, he looks so cute and so proud of himself. Gorgeous I wish I had heard the singing :)

    1. He cracks me up with his singing. Public bathrooms, raking, standing in line, grocery shopping, lol. He's a doll, Mel. :)

  20. That's a lot of leaves! The leaves have just started falling here. Some trees have lost a lot, but many trees are still completely green. Seems to be a late season this year.

    1. I don't think we have any that are all green now, except those that will stay green (Pines). :)

  21. Aww such beautiful weather! And I love his cute little wheelbarrow hahaha

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

    1. That wheelbarrow is funny! It holds about two armfuls of leaves, but he sure had fun with it anyway! :)

  22. Oh that reminds me of when my kids were young - that is SO MUCH fun.

  23. Beautiful kid doing great work with happiness. l love my kid too when he does any work...

  24. nice...the best part of working in the leaves is getting play in them....smiles. we pile ours on a tarp as well....the pull it with the mower....

    1. Smacks self on forehead! DUH! Why didn't I think of that??? Little man might not like that change though, we have a big hill and he likes to slide down it with the leaves. ;)

  25. :) cute pictures. I can feel the crispiness in the air here as well

  26. He sure looks as he is having a great time!!!
    I"m glad we don't have to do that anymore since we moved south. :)
    Have a lovely day!!

    1. It's a little new to us, since we lived down south for years and years. :)

  27. What a little doll baby he is and even willing to help his mama♥

    1. Hope he holds on to that enthusiasm to help for a long, long time. ;)

  28. great pictures. looks like he had fun

    knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com

  29. Blimey never seen so many leaves my advice is to leaf em alone ...boom boom!

    Have a ghoulishtastic week ;-)

  30. What a cute boy and he is helping you rake the leaves! I like the picture of your son in the big pile of leaves! It is getting cold here too, and we have been raking leaves. Hope you have a terrific Halloween with your cute son!

    1. It's cold here again too. The weather's just been up and down all year long.

      Happy Halloween to you too, Karen!

  31. Great job you too. It's always nice to have a little helper and a helper that can carry a tune it a big plus! We definitely need to rake too. Sometimes we just end up doing it in the spring....That works too, right?? :)

    1. If the snow covers it and no one knows, I vote yes. :)

  32. That's a good workout too (one I never do). Love the pics!

    1. It is a good workout, my arms hurt for the whole next day ( a good hurt). :)

  33. wow
    that is a ton of leaves.. yall must have a HUGE yard :)

    1. Your front yard looks huge in the picture of your new house. I don't think you get falling leaves though that far south?

  34. Wow now that's a lot of Leaves, I am so very glad that they cut down the big Tree in my Front Yard, now no more Leaves to rake up.

    Thanks for the post!

    1. The work is a lot, but just a couple of times a year, and I love my trees so I'm happy to do it. :) Thanks for the visit!

  35. Way too wet here right now Oh how I loved making forts in the leaves as a child

    1. I've made forts with snow, but never leaves. That does sound fun. :)

  36. Can I borrow him to take mine no one here likes to do it and I dislike it, but someone has to do and it's not fun when it's only me

    1. It is more fun when there's someone out there with you, I totally agree.

  37. I love this fall post!
    Our leaves are coming down, but the trees aren't naked as yet and still shaking green :)

    We will rake. The kids love to jump in the piles! Just have to ensure no snakes in them :) Oy!

    And a child that sings and out loud! What preciousness! I keep hoping to record mine doing it, but if I get too close she just starts to giggle :)

    LOVE the photos!

  38. There is nothing like watching a child jump in a leaf pile! It brings back so many memories of my own childhood (and makes me want to move to the burbs so my own kids can experience things like this!).

  39. Congratulations Rosey ~ I featured this post today at Feature Fridays!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo


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