Wednesday, November 14, 2012

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: Impulse Travel Destination

We had an entirely different vacation set up, but one of the people who was supposed to come along, was unable to go (my son because he couldn't get the time off from the military). So...we changed our plans at the last second, totally on impulse (the one and only time we've ever done that). We went someplace we'd never been: Prague, in the Czech Republic.  It ended up being a fantastic decision, and instantly became one of our family's all-time, most favorite places to visit.

My teen getting his Prague on...and he quickly learned that dress shoes aren't always the best choice for a long walk on vacation. Something his mother had to learn on her own too, many times over. ;)

The time change was a bit much for little man.  He slept a lot, even at the toy store.

Look who is awake, just in time to see a big castle around the corner. :)

Changing of the Guard at Prague Castle

The churches were beautiful inside and out.

There was no shortage of things to do.
This is a staircase in the National Museum.

It's pretty impressive, right? The museum itself was really great too.
 Even the teen liked it, and he thought he was beyond the years of enjoying museums. ;)

We explored Wenceslas Square after we left the museum.

I really enjoyed my time at the Astronomical Clock. There were a lot of people there to see it, and I could see why. I didn't want to tear myself away from it.

Charles Bridge was another area where I could stay for days. There was a lot of construction going on around us, but it was still very beautiful to be there.

Even though the weather was a bit chilly (we like to travel during the 'off season' and the skies stayed gray, it was still such a remarkable place to see.

And of course, the classic Prague views stay with you. This photo is blown up and hangs in my house. I absolutely love it.

The water views were very pretty too, and very distinct. I bet anyone in the world who is familiar with the city, would know where we are, just by looking at the background.

And I'll finish by mentioning the food. There was not a bad meal to be had in the city of Prague. Even the breakfast was delicious!! 

Our visit to this city will always hold a special place in my memories, and I'm so glad we made last minute changes to make this our destination.  How about you?  Have you ever changed vacation plans at the last second and it turned out to be a very good thing?


  1. i love the photos! thanks for sharing!

    - Stephanie J

  2. What a fantastic vacation! Definitely an adventure! Glad you enjoyed the country!

    Maybe one day I'll visit. I do love traveling so.

    Those churches! Wow!

    1. I love traveling too and wish we did it more! You've been where I want to go (Hawaii)! :)

  3. Love it - really want to go to Prague one day. Have a great week.

  4. WOW that's quite a trip!

    The year my nephew that has Trisomy 18 was born we decided to have a Staycation. We just didn't know what would happen since only 10% make it past a year old. It was a fun time though. We did get a hotel. It was nice that we could go back home to get things if we needed. My husband was disappointed, but happy with our adventure choice.

  5. Love the photos & what a cool trip!

  6. Beautiful pictures! Definitely a wonderful place to visit. Happy WW!

  7. So pretty! I would love to visit Prague. The soup picture looks delicious!

  8. Impressive Prague, Nice pictures!

  9. Your pictures have confirmed what I've heard. That Prague is a wonderful place to visit. Was it economical?

    1. It was one of the most reasonably priced places we have ever visited, and the people were so nice everywhere we went!!

  10. What a fine adventure you had. Love your pics.

  11. Absolutely beautiful photos. And, yup, I've done a last minute vacation change; it's one of my favourite memories.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog by the by; I'm enjoying your blog so much I am now your newest follower. =)

  12. WOW!!! that was a great change of plans! love your photos.

  13. Wow how amazing! I love the photos. :)

  14. OH you are killing me... It's been 10 years since I have been to Prague and I am really thinking it's time to take the hubby. I had the best times being there!! I got into a lot of trouble too...good fun trouble... Beautiful photos. Glad you got to experience it!!

  15. Thanks for the virtual tour. I'd love to visit some day.

  16. Stunning sights! The only time we've ever decided to go somewhere less than a few days in advance was Williamsburg. It's only a few hours away and our favorite place to travel for relaxation. :D

    ♥ aquariann
    Featured Photo: Dragon Crown

  17. Love the photos! I don't think we've ever had a change of plans like that. But one similarity was being in the Bahamas with Christopher and when we finally got to the big aquarium that I wanted him to see he was asleep. I woke him up and it was one of those, "What did I do that for?" because he couldn't get right and was not impressed with the aquarium.

    1. Totally been there, done that (waking a child up for something they were less than impressed with ;) ).

  18. Love it! I've never changed plans last minute, but bet it would be fun! I went to Prague last year and it is such an amazing place! Love your photos xxx

  19. Looks like your family made a great decision! I LOVE that clock :)


  20. We have not changed vacation plans at the last minute - but after seeing all those amazing shots, we're going to need to at some point! :)

    The Many Faces of Princess Nagger

  21. beautiful... never been and we generally donèt change plans. but good for you for rolling with it

  22. I love traveling... so if I have not visited the place, I would be up for it. Looks like fun!

  23. Wow, I never ever would've thought to visit a place like that, but it looks awesome! I think I'm gonna wait till my little ones are older though--had enough of traveling through time zones with crying babies, ha! Yours looks like she did the best thing there is to do--sleep!

    1. We are boring and always go to Disney for our vacations, but I think this would be a great trip!

  24. These are great photos! I love Europe. I lived in Germany twice over a period of 7 years. Here's my page from my hobby blog where I posted a photo from my visit to Prague at

    Thanks also for linking up on Amanda's Books and More! I'm so glad I got to see your post. :)

    Tina - American mom raising 4 kids in South Africa

  25. Yes, we have changed plans in the past, & it's led to wonderful adventures.

    Prague is a place I've wanted to visit for a long time--I envy you!

  26. Beautiful pictures!! My sister has been there a couple of times, but I've never been.

    I've never changed my plans last minute - I think that would give me major anxiety LOL.

  27. I just adore Prague! What a fascinating city. Thanks for dropping by my site.

  28. Love the Cathedral pictures in particular. Thanks also for hooking up with my Wordless Wednesday. Hope to see you back next week.

  29. WOW what terrific photos! I have never been to Europe but would love to go someday. Everything is so beautiful.

  30. What a dream come true!! We have it on our bucket list to go to Prague...but not sure if that wish will come true? Thank you for sharing, so enjoyed it.

  31. I am just in awe over the architecture. Extraordinary. No wonder you have such fond memories.

  32. I want to travel more. Love those pictures, wow, breath taking!

  33. Yes, I find that last minute trips are the ones which end up being the most fun. Those are spectacular photos! I want to go there too someday :)

  34. I agree with you, change of plans can turn out to be a delightful adventure! You never know what great thing comes next :) Love your photos, thanks for sharing! I especially like the cathedral windows here.

  35. Looks like a beautiful place to visit! Hope I can go there one day, I love traveling. :)

  36. I never met my great grandparents or grandparents but they are from Prague. My moms great aunt brought me back a small mirror when she took a trip there many years ago, which I still have.

  37. I have never changed plans like that for a vacation.. i did not know where we were going until a week before, but that is how crazy we every got.. lol

  38. Oh my goodness! How fun! Prague! Sounds like an awesome vacation. I need to convince my husband that its ok to leave American soil! LOL

  39. Nope, I have never changed a vacation last minute. I am afraid that would give me too much anxiety. I am a planner and usually have things planned out WAY in advance.

  40. We are not good planners for our holidays and most are last minute. Always been a great experience. Thanks for sharing your holiday

  41. What a wonderful trip!
    Your photos are amazing. My fave is the astronomical click. What a feat!

  42. We recently made vacation plans to go to a beach we have never visited but after finding out it's 4 hours away we decided to go to a closer beach that is only 2 hours away. It will give us more time to spend on vacation and less time driving.

  43. I would love to visit Prague, I have heard so many great things. We need to start planning a family trip. Your photos are amazing!

  44. So beautiful! My trips to Europe have always gone off pretty much as planned, but last summer I was supposed to take a road-trip from Utah to North Carolina and back. My son broke his arm and we ended up having to stay closer to home so we went to the Oregon coast instead. Still a complete blast!

    1. Aww to the broken arm. :( I'm glad you had a good time though! Changes of plans can sometimes turn out really nice. :)

  45. THose photos are beautiful! We have never changed major vacation plans at the last minute but we have decided to do some spur of the moment day trips.

  46. I have not ever once had a vacation. I would love to go to some place warm and sunny any place but cold Michigan lol

  47. These are such great pictures! It looks like you all had a great time!

  48. I don't change at the last minute, but they usually happen at the last minute. Looks like a wonderful trip

  49. Wow what a beautiful looking place - churches always amaze me at how beautiful they often are. x

  50. What a great post - thank you for sharing your beautiful photographs.

  51. Beautiful cathedral, sounds very nice place to visit!

  52. looks like it was a good choice! I rarely ever take vacations like these...maybe one day!

  53. How exciting to take a spontaneous vacation like that. Prague looks absolutely beautiful!

  54. I was in Prague this past May and I loved it. Did you try the fish pedicure? So many fun things and great food.

    1. I did not, but I agree there were many fun things, and a lot of great food!

  55. WOW, That is just so pretty. Everything, the sights the food. Man, I would love to see that in person

  56. Oh that looks like an amazing vacation! I have always wanted to travel there. It has such a rich history and architecture. Thanks for letting me tag along through the blog!

  57. Those are some great photos. I love traveling to different places on a whim.

  58. That is actually happening to us this year. We had plans to travel to Disney World but hubby won't be able to make it because of his job so we're heading somewhere else instead. Not sure where as yet. Love the photos!

  59. I am sorry your son could not make it and glad you still made the best of it. Sometimes those unplanned things are the best though. I only every had one trip that we decided to just get in the car and go with no destination planned - it was great.

  60. Great photos and it looks like you had a fabulous time. I am trying to think back at all of our vacations and I don't believe we ever had to change plans in a major way like you did.

  61. I'm just sitting here all googly eyed because - Prague. OhMyGosh!

  62. Wow look at all the beautiful photos! And yes I'm always changes my plans last minute! I love living for the moment!

  63. One thing I miss about living in Europe is how quickly you can cross a border and be in a new country... I love your photos and will share this post with my daughter who is studying in Prague. Beautiful!

    1. I think it would be so fun to live there for a bit. So many places to see, and you're right, it's very easy (and inexpensive) to go from place to place when you're there.

  64. I tend to do a lot of things last minute so that happens a lot. Your pictures are beautiful

  65. I'm such a perfectionist that I think I'd go nuts if I had to change plans last minute. So glad you guys had fun and the pics show what a beautifully classic and historic place Prague is!

  66. I'm sitting here being jealous of your vacay! I wanna go to Europe so bad :P

  67. WOW! Thanks for sharing those pics! It's been a while since I've been to Europe - I wanna go back and tacky my hubby!

  68. Looks so pretty! Prague is my brother's favorite travel destination. The food and culture sound amazing.

  69. My sister traveled in Prague! I would love to go one day. I heard it is awesome!

  70. Wow, you got some great pictures! I love impulsive trips - they always usually end up funner and less stressful than the ones you plan out, I believe!

  71. I have always wanted to visit the Czech Republic. Thanks for sharing your pictures!

  72. Okay, so this totally does nothing for my wanderlust. Such beautiful pictures, I must visit Prague asap!

  73. What Beautiful Picture Of You & Your Family I LOVE The Cross!!

  74. Those are such great pictures. What memories you have made!

  75. Sometimes the best things in life happen when you follow your gut. And look where it hot you!

  76. Oh my goodness I am so happy you were implosive and went on a different adventure. Even happier now that you shared it with us. Thank you for helping to make the Thursday Favorite Things Blog hop so much fun. Big Hugs ♥

  77. Only once did I have to change travel plans-cancel it actually-I was supposed to go on a tour to Mexico and at the last minute they said it would be more money-I decided against going (I did get my deposit back after a fight)-then-as I was sitting at home--a massive earthquake hit in Mexico-just where I was supposed to be!

  78. Beautiful pictures! That dish looks so yummy!

  79. When I lived in England, my friends and I made plans to go to Scotland for a weekend. We had been planning it for months and then at the last minute they had to return to their home country because a family member had passed away. I was bummed but I understood. A co-worker invited me to go to Wales with her that weekend. It turned out to be the best vacation ever. I loved Wales. Loved it more than Scotland (which I eventually visited). If I have to live in England permanently, I would live in Wales.

  80. Been in Prague quite a few times over the years, loved it every time!

  81. I'd go to Prague just for the food - and the architecture - wow! Spectacular - what a vacation!

  82. I love Prague,Looks like you had a lovely time.Thank you for sharing.

  83. I have only been out of the country 2 times in my life. Once to Honduras and once to Canada. I need to make more plans for vacations as the kids get older!

  84. Those pictures are beautiful! I would love to get there some day!

  85. Way to be spontaneous! I would love to see Prague.

  86. What an adventure! You took some really great photos!

  87. What gorgeous pics! I've never really had last minute travel plans change that ended up being good!

  88. i've been telling my daughter to go to Prague. i think she'd love it

  89. Oh my... that is an awesome change of plans. Looks like great fun.

  90. Looks like a great last moment decision! I have always wanted to visit Prague.

  91. What a great trip! I want to visit many places someday, Prague has always been one of them.

  92. Beautiful travel photos! Looks like a great trip :)

  93. Wow - it sounds like you had an amazing trip! I've never been to Prague before! :)

  94. It looks like you had a great time in Prague! Sometimes the impulse trips are the best ones!

  95. We had our destination changed for us on our HOneymoon. They canceled the cruise. It turned out great though.

  96. Looks like quite the beautiful destination. I'd be happy to hit this place!

  97. Looks like a great travel destination. I love all your pictures

  98. What an amazing vacation! You took such beautiful pictures! I would love to take my family there!

  99. What an amazing experience. Look like a really neat place to travel too as well!

  100. My cousin just returned from there and had a wonderful time. I loved watching all her pics on facebook!

  101. My husband visited Prague when he was younger and my mom and sister did a few years ago. They all loved it. That Astronomical Clock seems like an amazing sight. Too bad your little one was a bit sleepy though.

  102. What a great experience and some great pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  103. There have been a couple times where I had to plan the day on the go because of last minute changes, but they always turned out great. Your day looks like it was great!

  104. I have been very lucky - I have not needed to change my vacation plans at the last minute...glad to see that your vacation turned out great. Looks like a fascinating place to visit.

  105. What a great trip! I would love to just pack up and then decide where to go on, on a whim, like you had to.

  106. Looks like a great trip! I would love to visit Prague someday.

  107. Yes, one time we were going to go to Florida and drove to the airport packed and ready. We decided right then and there to forget Florida, quit our jobs and move to Chicago. So we drove home, repacked our bags for cold weather, flew to Chicago, found a place to live, came home and quit our jobs and moved about a week later. Crazy huh?

  108. What amazing pictures! Glad that you changed your mind

  109. That astronomical clock is super cool. What a fun experience!

  110. Everything looks wonderful! I've never been to Prague but I'd love to go one day!

  111. What a gorgeous views. The architecture is so lovely.

  112. Wow, I wish I could just take off to Prague. Looks like you had a great time.

  113. The churches are magnificent. I'd love to visit them.

  114. I've never changed vacay plans at the last minute but I would love to have the luxury to do so one day! I am glad you still had a great time!

  115. I've heard awesome things about Prague! Your pictures confirm what I've heard. Beautiful!

  116. So awesome! I love seeing pictures like this.

  117. Looks like you had a great trip even if it was changed at the last minute! Great pics!

  118. I would love to see Prague. It seems like such a beautiful Old World city.


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