Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Wordless Wednesday: Smarty Cat


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I have been putting the cat treats inside of a twist cap container because the cat finds them otherwise, knocks them down to the ground and tries to open up the bag to get her treats! 👀🤣


  1. I hear you. And Odie can (and does) open the bag.

  2. There are never any treats left around here.

  3. You nailed it. They can give us the look.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Hugs. ♥

  4. Handsome kitty ~ great photo ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. That look!
    It's fascinating how determined they can be when it comes to their favorite snacks! 😸

    Hugs and blessings, Rosey

    Veronica Lee

  6. I know that look! Cats are too smart for us humans - thanks for another smile this Wednesday! Stephanie

  7. I have been on the receiving end of this look more than once!

  8. I have a friend whose cat gives her this exact look. I'm not kidding, that cat CANNOT be fooled.

  9. When I was a kid, my cat, Hobbes, would often give me that look. He was smart as a whip, and you couldn't get anything over on him.

  10. This look is very familiar to me. Sometimes cats are smart than humans. Btw, the cat is so cute!

  11. Cats are both sneaky and also very clever. Their cuteness let's them get away with it. Yeah Lifestyle

  12. These adorable feline moments are pure joy. Can't help but smile – thanks for sharing the cuteness.

  13. I enjoy your wordless Wednesday posts. This put a smile on my face and the cat is very smart!

  14. Hi Rosey - no cats here ... but I do miss them. However I've just posted about Literary Cats ... the tea towel bought as a Christmas present ... so I used first as a prompt!! Cheers and have a happy Christmas time - Hilary

  15. I just love cats! Cats are so fun and they can be really smart.

  16. Cat is cute really. but I am scared of cats. I wish I’ll cope up with this problem because cats are really cute.

  17. Happy Wordless Wednesday! I have a cat back at my parents place that I'll see very soon for the holidays and let's just say she is UBER talkative, no wordless moments for her!

  18. Hihi....and yet, you had seen them already?! Nice smarty cat!

  19. I just want to put a lot of LOL emoji here haha

  20. My cat looks at me like this whenever I move and he was sitting on me!

  21. So funny when the pet go for treat without owner help lol This is so relatable post to many people.

  22. One of my cats has knocked over the bulk sized container of treats not once but twice and all 4 cats feasted while I was asleep. I had to get a twist top container too to prevent that from happening. Sneaky kitties! LOL


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