
Thursday, December 21, 2023

Moving Home? Make It Less Stressful With These Tips

Moving can be both exciting and stressful. You are moving forward and away from things that are familiar but you are also moving somewhere that you make your own and start over new. Stress is unavoidable but you can make it less stressful.

Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

Let’s have a look at some of the ways you can limit stress when moving home:

Plan And Prepare

It would be very difficult to complete a move without any kind of planning, however, you do need to make your plan and prepare as much as you can before moving day. This will make the thing run so much more smoothly and you are more likely to get the things you need to do on time and in order. From buying your packing materials to booking your movers at When you plan ahead you can stay in control and it will make moving much easier to manage. Not to mention when you have a plan in place you are able to hand out jobs more easily. So if someone asks if you need help you can look at your list and give them a job.

Don’t Rush

Unless you need to move out all of a sudden, make sure you give yourself plenty of time to get a handle on the move and everything that needs to be done. Create a list of everything that needs to be done and start ticking things off with plenty of time. You certainly don’t want to be rushing everything last minute this will make your move extremely stressful and might put a damper on something that should be exciting.

Focus On One Room At A Time

When you are preparing your home to move you can make things go a lot quicker if you focus on just one room at a time. You will also feel more accomplished if you finish one room and then move on to the next. It's best to move through your home room by room and pack up all the items while labeling the boxes. You will want to do the same on the other side of the move too. Unpack one room at a time. When you pack and unpack one room at a time you will have better control over how much time your move is taking. It certainly helps to reduce your stress levels.

Gather The Supplies You Need

You are going to need plenty of boxes, bubble wrap, tape, a board marker, and labels. You need to get these before you start any of your packing. You don’t want to be running around and scrambling trying to get them when you start your packing. You can sometimes get free boxes from your local stores, so pop down and see if you can save yourself some money.

These tips should hopefully keep your house move stress-free. Is there anything that has been missed? Please share some tips in the comments below.


  1. I've moved more than a few times & it's always so stressful! I've found focusing on one room at a time is the best way to make it less overwhelming!

  2. One of my favourite tips is for when you're moving into the new house: put sticky note labels on everything - rooms, cabinets, etc. This way your moving crew (either professional or your buddies) will know exactly where everything should go!

  3. I so agree on not rushing. Moving can be stressful and rushing might cause you to break items.

  4. I am so glad that you shared these tips, they are going to be super helpful to anyone in this situation.

  5. I remember when we moved. We definitely didn't plan out enough time to transfer everything from one house to the other. So hiring good movers is something I'd add!

  6. We're hoping to move as soon as the interest rates return to normal. I dread the packing and unpacking but these are definitely helpful tips for a smooth transition.

  7. The idea of focusing on one room at a time is genius—I'll definitely be taking it room by room to maintain some sanity.

  8. I haven't moved in over 10 years but when the time comes to again, I will definitely need to remember these tips. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Gathering all necessary supplies before starting to pack can prevent unnecessary stress. By following these tips, we can make moving less stressful and more exciting!

  10. one room/thing at a time is so useful for everything.. definitely made moving easier for me when we last moved ages ago..

  11. I have moved homes since my college days and I totally agree with you on the stressful part! You have shared some super helpful tips and thankfully I follow most of them 🙂.

    Everything Enchanting ❤️

  12. I really like the tips you have provided here and I think they are very helpful. thanks for sharing!

  13. I have moved a few times, and it was a little stressful. But I kept it organizes to stay of track with my to do list.


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