Saturday, November 11, 2023

Free Vinmeo Link to see "Surprised By Oxford!"

When faith and intellect intersect, you know there's going to be a story to tell. "Surprised by Oxford" is a movie based on a memoir by Caro Weber, a former scholar of and then first female dean at one of the Oxford University colleges. 

I don't usually watch romantic movies. They make me cry. And the classic and predictable scenes of true love did indeed leave me weepy, but it was such a good story as well. I recommend seeing it, if you're looking to relax and be entertained. It's worth watching.

While attending Oxford University on a full scholarship, she meets and falls in love with the man who will later become her husband and the father of their 4 children. It is a beautiful story of a woman who while challenging the concept of a higher power being real, comes into her own while meeting those who will become lifelong friends. She also meets the future love of her life.

Movie Synopsis: Caro Drake, a brilliant but emotionally guarded American student, arrives at the University of Oxford with the goal of attaining her PhD. Through a turbulent friendship with a charming young man, she begins to open herself up to mystery, vulnerability, and love.

I saw one of the interviews with the main actress and the actual author of the memoir and it was very genuine and sweet. This is a story that everyone can relate to, and as Ms. Weber noted, it's both special and ordinary (in the very best of ways). There is a longing in each of us for the most important things. When we find our way to them, it should perhaps, be our duty to share them. 

Rent or Buy "Surprised by Oxford" 

during the month of November

Step inside the beauty of Oxford University and discover a timeless story about asking life’s big questions. Part of the enchantment of this film for me, was being able to see scenes from the beautiful city. I've been to London, but I've never been to Oxford. I would surely love to go.

"Surprised by Oxford" is available to rent or buy in the month of November. 
Do not miss your chance to see this beautiful film!


There's a Giveaway!

One lucky winner gets a Vimeo link to watch the movie for free.

Enter below and be sure to tell a friend!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi Rosey - definitely a film I'd like to see - even just to take me back to the 10 years I spent in and around Oxford and at school and afterwards - happy memories from years ago. It sounds intriguing ... cheers Hilary

  2. Sounds like an interesting movie.

  3. Sounds like a movie I would enjoy.
    Your blog just refuses to load on Google Chrome so I am accessing it with Firefox instead.
    Hugs and blessings, Rosey

    Veronica Lee

  4. Dreaming of a life in Oxford. I like that this movie is based on a true story.

  5. I would watch it. -Kara

  6. I like a good romance novel.


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