Saturday, February 6, 2021

Our Cat Orchestrated Her Own 'Me Time'

Today's Challenge: Share a video of your “me time.”
Go somewhere into nature. Sit in silence for 5 minutes (phones off).
Write down what came up for you and let us know.

My goofy cat walked across my keyboard. Something she has done before. No big deal. But this time, I have no idea what it was that she did, but my computer was down and out. And I do mean down and out. I tried a few things and a professional reset, but it is on its way to computer never-to-be-used-again land. It took me a few days to get around to going out and buying a new one, and those few days, outside of work (lol) were pretty great! It was stressful at first, and then annoying, but then it gravitated into being nice to not have the option to get online and do things on the weekdays. I have a very busy job, and getting to actually take some 'me and mine' time, including time with the cat, hahaha, was so very pleasant. It's not the way I should have chosen to take me time, but it was still nice to have it.

I'm still working through my 30-day Gratitude Challenge. You can join me if you'd like. #dancingthroughcrisis


  1. I suspect that if a simple waltz across the keyboard could kill your computer it was on its way out anyway and you may be blaming the cat unfairly. And yes, time unplugged is often a bonus isn't it?

    1. I honestly wasn't having any problems at all, but who knows? Technology also has a mind of its own sometimes. And yes, definitely nice to unplug!

  2. Would like to know what combination of keys your cat hit to completely kill your computer!

    1. I know!! I Googled it to see if it's happened to anyone else, and it has (not many, but a few)! Crazy, but true. Glad I'm not the only one, and sorry I'm not the only one (because it's not fun). I can't change it, but I know to gently shoo my girl away when she's coming over for lovies during laptop time. ;)

  3. I think it's the static from her fur! My son tells me that static electricity discharge or electrostatic static discharge (ESD) can kill computer hardware.

  4. Lmao well mine have screwed it up, but never out and out killed it. Sometimes it is good to just unplug though, even if because of the kitty.

  5. Jason's still working on my office, so I haven't been able to work much with it torn to bits. It's been an eye opener how nice the downtime has been. I even took a little nap today since I had nothing better to do. It was great and just what my tired mind needed!


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