Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions stated are genuine and my own.
Teleflora's Pretty in Quartz Bouquet |
Teleflora is always a good idea, but during Valentine's Day season they are a GREAT idea. These flowers always come fully bloomed and absolutely gorgeous. Plus, they smell so good!! I have this huge Premium (because on Valentine's Day, you should go premium) Pretty in Quartz Bouquet on my kitchen table right now, and believe me, it is stunning. It's something people can't walk by without asking, 'ooooh, where'd you get those?!' They are put together so nicely, and then of course you have the vase. Teleflora has this huge array of great containers that you can use year round. The picture of this white and pink quartz vase really doesn't do it enough justice, because in person it is just so lovely. And heavy. It is solid, high quality, and again, heavy. I love it!! These kind of containers will remind your loved ones and friends of you and their pretty blooms, every time they use them.
Teleflora's Playfully Pink Bouquet |
Teleflora's Ooh La Ombre Bouquet |
Teleflora's Ohh La Hombre Bouquet is arranged with an overflow or cascade going down the sides that is hard to resist, and that shiny hombre vase is decidedly a delight. I'd love to have that one paired with the quartz vase (in the very first picture of the post) in my living room year-round. Of course, it's gorgeous all on its own, and it, along with its beautiful floral arrangement are sure to make anyone feel special who receives it (now or any time, really!).
Teleflora's Radiantly Rouge Bouquet |
Teleflora's Radiantly Rouge Bouquet is all about romance to me. The soft white lilies against the lush reds and the sprinkles of green is what Valentine's Day is all about. Show you care with flowers that will take her breath away, with this special bouquet. Even better if it's a surprise. Imagine the smile on her face when the delivery man (or woman) shows up to her job, or home, with this floral surprise meant for her. She'll definitely be the talk of the town for awhile, and it it's sure to spruce up the room, giving her a pep in her step until you get to see her again.
If you are looking for the perfect Valentine's Day gift, you honestly can't go wrong with Teleflora.
They have been in business for years, and really have the science of flowers down to a T.
I highly recommend them to any and everyone who loves flowers.
There is a Giveaway!
One lucky will get a $75 voucher to call their own.
Use it for Valentine's Day or save it for a special occasion.Voucher expires Sept. 01, 2020.
They have been in business for years, and really have the science of flowers down to a T.
I highly recommend them to any and everyone who loves flowers.
There is a Giveaway!
One lucky will get a $75 voucher to call their own.
Use it for Valentine's Day or save it for a special occasion.Voucher expires Sept. 01, 2020.
My wife doesn't dig flowers but that's a great idea for my mother.
ReplyDeleteI love the playfully pink bouquet.
ReplyDeleteHow beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI do love scented lilies and grow them here. They make beautiful bouquets too.
ReplyDeleteI love the Possibly Pink bouquet.
ReplyDeletetimely prize
ReplyDeleteI learned that they have a bouquet called Zen Artistry.
ReplyDeleteI love, love the Teleflora's Possibly Pink.
ReplyDeleteI like the Teleflora's Desert Sunrise Bouquet
ReplyDeleteMy favorite bouquet is the Madly In Love I knew my wife would love them as well
ReplyDeleteI really like the Teleflora's Playfully Pink Bouquet. How pretty!
ReplyDeleteI really like the Teleflora's Desert Sunrise Bouquet! I would love to give it to my mom.
ReplyDeleteI really like the Teleflora's Desert Sunrise Bouquet
ReplyDeleteI like the Teleflora's Playfully Pink Bouquet
ReplyDeleteThis is a great offer! Yay for beautiful flowers...and not just for Valentine's Day!
ReplyDeleteI have never ordered nor received anything from Teleflora before. They have some of the most beautiful bouquets. As much as I find myself attracted to roses, as roses are the equivalent of diamonds, these select bouquets which possess an array of flowers truly are exceptional.
ReplyDeleteThese are so gorgeous, and a good deal! I especially love the Teleflora's Quartz Bouquet.
What a wonderful idea for valentine's day! The Playfully Pink bouquet is gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteI love the Teleflora's Sapphire Skies Bouquet
ReplyDeleteTelefloras are so gorgeous,my mother will definitely love that on her living room. The colors is so relaxing.
ReplyDeleteMake Me Blush - Dozen Long Stemmed Pink Roses.
ReplyDeleteLove tulips so the passionate Purple tulip arrangement is so beautiful
ReplyDeleteThese are really beautiful flowers. Someone will be able to buy a lovely bouquet if they win the voucher.
ReplyDeleteTeleflora's Radiantly Rouge Bouquet in the premium love contrast of white and red~
ReplyDeleteSure a win for those that enjoy Hallmark day lol
ReplyDeleteI like the Teleflora's Desert Sunrise Bouquet (sweepmom@comcast.net)
ReplyDeletelooks so very beautiful even for a person who is not into flowers (like me)
ReplyDeleteI liked the sapphire skies bouquet
ReplyDeleteI really like the Possibly Pink Flower Arrangement.
ReplyDeleteTeleflora's Playfully Pink Bouquet will be the perfect bouquet for my daughter-in-law. She will enjoy them along with the family. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI do love fresh bouquets but I would really love to receive the Peaceful zen garden.
ReplyDeleteI love the Ooh La Ombre Bouquet.
ReplyDeleteI like the Teleflora's Ooh La Ombre Bouquet
ReplyDeleteabfantom at yahoo dot com
I like the purple tulip bouquet, wowowow
ReplyDeleteOh my they are all so very pretty - I wouldn't know what to choose because I love almost every kind of flower :)
ReplyDeleteI really like Teleflora's Fabulous Flora Bouquet!
ReplyDeleteI like the secret crush bouquet.
ReplyDeleteI love the Red Roses my wife loves Red Roses I love the Deal Of The Day
ReplyDeleteI like that they are same day delivery, delivered by a local florist.
ReplyDeleteI like that Teleflora provides same day flower delivery no matter where you live.
ReplyDeleteI love the Pure Happiness sunflower bouquet!! It's so beautiful and sunflowers are my favorite flower.
ReplyDeleteI am not a flowers fan because I love them more in the garden! However, they do make super romantic gifts!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful bouquets! My mom loves roses, well, she just loves flowers - any kind! I am sure she'll love any of these bouquets and she might invite her friends to show off these pretty flower bouquets.
ReplyDeleteI like the Heart and Soul bouquet.
ReplyDeleteThe flowers looks beautiful and stunning perfect for valentines gift! I would love to check on this thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWith Valentines Day coming up, I am going to show my husband this so that he knows where to get a good deal on flowers this year:)!
ReplyDeleteI love the guide for "Choosing The Right Bouquet For Every Room In Your House"! Going to add some succulents in my office (love succulents because I can actually keep them alive lol) and they look so beautiful and classy!
ReplyDeleteOh wow that a good code!
ReplyDeleteI really cant remember the last time I got flowers for valentine...
All these flowers looks so beautiful and definitely a perfect gift for valentines
ReplyDeleteI am a huge flower lover! I love all these bouquets!
ReplyDeleteI wish to receive some flowers on Valentine's Day too. I hope I get to win that voucher.
ReplyDeleteI really like the Rouge Romance bouquet.
ReplyDeleteThese flowers look gorgeous! We have rosebushes in our yard so my boys go pick a few for me often. Having fresh flowers on the table is always a welcome sight.
ReplyDeleteI love the one with the red shiny vase! But I am always so sad when they only last for a short time.
ReplyDeleteI like the playfully pink bouquet. Perfect for Valentine's Day
ReplyDeleteI like the Vivid Love bouquet.
ReplyDeleteTeleflora's Possibly Pink.
ReplyDeleteThis is a nice idea. Flowers looks beautiful
ReplyDeleteAll these flowers look amazing and would make anyone happy to get it. Thank you for sharing x
ReplyDeletegreat giveaway. i love teleflora, they have such pretty options to choose from. having fresh flowers in the house is always fun.
ReplyDeleteI tend to buy my own flowers (though Jason will get me some once in a blue moon). I'd treat myself to the Playfully Pink Bouquet for Valentine's Day ♥
ReplyDeleteThese bouquets are beautiful! I love all of them!
ReplyDeleteI like the Be Still My Heart - Dozen Red Roses.
ReplyDeletei love carnations
ReplyDeleteI love the Blooming Belles flowers. So colorful and the vase is gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteI like the beautiful vases.
ReplyDeleteflowers needed for VD !
ReplyDeleteLike the purple tulip bouquet.
ReplyDeleteI love the Blooming Belles flowers. it is so very vibrant
ReplyDeleteThese flowers are gorgeous especially the ombre bouquet!
ReplyDeletelove that they are arranged by a local florist!
ReplyDeleteI learned Teleflora can deliver to over 165 countries
ReplyDeletedigicats {at} sbcglobal {dot} net
I love so many of the bouquets. I really love the cotton candy bouquet.
ReplyDeleteI like the Teleflora's Playfully Pink Bouquet
ReplyDeleteI can't pick a favorite. There are far to many beautiful arrangements and that just speaks to how amazing teleflora is. Will definitely be using their service for valentines. Have a wife and mother to shop for.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is the Beautiful in Blue bouquet!
The Sapphire Skies bouquet really pops, so pretty.
ReplyDeleteI love the Teleflora's Playfully Pink Bouquet. The vase it comes in is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI learned they have next day or same day delivery
ReplyDeleteI learned that Teleflora has a blog, a deal of the day and I like what they say "Flowers Say It Best"
ReplyDeleteKindly, Chris Ann
treehouse.queen18 (at) yah oo (.com)
They have a gorgeous possibly pink bouquet.
I really liked the pure happiness bouquet, it has my wife's favorite flowers!
ReplyDeleteI learned that they have a deal of the day where their florists will put together an arrangement for you!
I really like telefloras playfully pink bouquet.
ReplyDeleteI really like the Teleflora's Playfully Pink Bouquet!
ReplyDeleteI really like: Teleflora's Peaceful Zen Garden. It's out of the box!
ReplyDeleteI like the flowers that look like a puppy dog
ReplyDeleteI heart How Sweet It is!
I love the Playfully Pink bouquet!
ReplyDeleteI like Teleflora's Love That Pink Bouquet with Roses
ReplyDeleteI love their Desert Sunrise Bouquet
ReplyDeleteThe My Sweet Bouquet is gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteI like the Desert Beauty Succulent Garden. Will last a long time.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the contest.
I like Teleflora's Rouge Romance Bouquet.
ReplyDeleteI learned they have some beautiful lilies.
ReplyDeleteI like the Zen Artistry and the Teleflora's Imperial Purple Orchid.
ReplyDeleteI love that they are always hand-arranged and hand-delivered by local florists
ReplyDeleteI like that you get 20% off just for subscribing. Thank you
ReplyDeleteI learned they have Galentine's Day flowers - how fun!
ReplyDeleteI like the Be My Love Bouquet with Red Roses because it has a nice combination of flowers that I like.
ReplyDeleteI love the Beautiful in Blue boquet.
The Be My Love Bouquet with Red Roses is absolutely gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteI like their Zen Artistry bouquet. I learned that they have different types of flowers and plants for sale.
ReplyDeleteI love You're My Angel
ReplyDeleteI like the cotton candy bouquet.
ReplyDeleteI love all the different options they have. So many lovely bouquets
ReplyDeletelearned how world wide they deliver
ReplyDeleteI learned that they have a daily Deal of The Day.
ReplyDeleteI liked the variety available and learned that I had better act soon since that special day is very near!
ReplyDeleteI like Teleflora's Kids of Rose.
ReplyDeleteI learned that the company is located in Los Angeles, California.