
Sunday, August 29, 2021

5 Reasons You Should Go to Urban Air Adventure Park

Do you wait all week long for the weekend to get here and then sit around the house doing nothing fun at all? You don't have to wait for a vacation to get out there and have a blast. Go get your fun on right now! One of our stops this weekend was Urban Air Adventure Park in Wellington, Florida. There are franchises of this indoor adventure park all over the country. Have you been there? Whether the answer is 'yes' or 'no' here are 5 reasons you should go (or go back!):

Thursday, August 26, 2021

FL First Time Landlord? Here Are Some Helpful Hints

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Although investing in real estate for the first time can be intimidating, there are a few things you should be aware of that will help you have an anxiety-free tenancy. To assist you in getting started as a first-time landlord, we have compiled some helpful hints.

Image via Unsplash CC0 License

What To Look For In Travel Accommodation

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When you are traveling anywhere, one of the most central aspects to the experience that you are going to want to focus on is the accommodation. As long as the accommodation is as good as possible, you are probably going to find that it will really help you to enjoy your experience so much more, so this is something that you are going to want to think about in some detail. In this post, we will take a look at what you should ideally look out for in travel accommodation, to ensure that you are having the best time on your trip.

Pic Source - CCO Licence

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

fl Physical Fitness: Get in Shape With These 5 Top Outdoor Activities

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Exercise is healthy for you and will help keep your weight in check. But sometimes exercising can be a drag! Luckily, some outdoor activities can make you healthier while having fun at the same time. Here are five of the best ways to get your body moving:

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Monday, August 23, 2021

fl 6 Ways to Stay Healthy when Traveling for Business Trips

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Business trips can be a great experience, you’re getting to go on a small journey for work in possibly an unfamiliar area. The job usually pays for everything such as the accommodation, transportation, and even the food. It can be very tempting to indulge in junk food, especially if you’re on business trips often. Traveling gives us this relaxed mindset, even if we are traveling for work. This relaxed mindset tends to make us gain weight from indulging in unhealthy food, plus there may be little to no time to work out either. Your diet and exercise routine doesn’t need to suffer just because you’re on a trip, in fact, these healthy habits from home truly can go anywhere. Here are some tips for having a healthy lifestyle while traveling for work.

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Sunday, August 22, 2021

fl A Healthy Body Comes From A Healthy Mind

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Mental health corresponds to a state of well-being and balance between your thoughts, your emotions and your behavior. What is good mental health? It is simply the satisfaction of the mind and the psychological state. Mental health is often associated with a negative aspect and it is high time to take the restrictions off of the subject. It's true, you don't have to be in burnout or depression to start taking care of your mental health. We all go through this: low morale, period of demotivation, or stress due to work or studies. There are solutions to find a better mood and take care of yourself. Meditation, sport or nutrition, we give you all our tips to preserve your mental health and boost it! Simple things such as joining a gym, going on more day trips, or treating yourself to a favorite meal. What comes to mind for me is going to the Local Steakhouse; since they have huge salads for me and hearty steaks for the rest of my crew.

Photo: Unsplash

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Earn Money Now! QuickRewards plus Amazon GC Giveaway

 Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions stated are genuine and my own.

With back to school in full swing, for better or for worse, parents are spending a lot of money to get their children ready. That means a rather large number of parents are looking for ways to cut corners and/or find ways to make up for the extra spending. QuickRewards offers a great option. With surveys that pay from $.50 to $10, there is something for everyone. I do want to note though, that most surveys pay $.50 to $1.00 as is common. Some surveys, however, pay even if you do not qualify for the one you have selected.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

fl Here's What You Need To Think About Before Moving Abroad

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So you're moving to a different country? You must be overjoyed. Are you terrified? Perhaps a hybrid of the two? That's perfectly natural! You may have a group of supporters on your side, but you also have those pessimists, or at the very least sceptics, who express their envy or claim that they could "never" pick up and move across the globe like you. Put all of that out of your thoughts; you have a lot to do before you go to another country!


fl How To Create A Memorable Vacation For Your Family

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It is okay to take a vacation trip to unplug and recharge your batteries. Vacations offer an excellent time for families to catch up and spend some exciting time together. However, planning a near-perfect vacation may seem daunting even for a seasoned traveler. Although 40% of US families take at least one vacation each year, about 89% feel vacation planning is stressful. From defining your budget, choosing the right destination, to creating an activity list, here is how to create a memorable family vacation experience.

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fl Strategies to Prevent Food and Drink from Staining Your Teeth: Foods to Avoid for Tooth Stains

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Foods and drinks that stain teeth are a common problem for many people, but it doesn't have to be. Eating certain types of food can cause your teeth to change color permanently over time if you aren't careful. You can also visit A Life of Smiles in grand Rapids, MI to get professional help.

This article will provide you with tips on avoiding staining your teeth when eating or drinking anything that might contain substances like tea, coffee, red wine, soy sauce, tomato-based sauces, and fruit juices!


Saturday, August 14, 2021

These Sell Out Fast! Jabberin' Jack Halloween Pumpkin

Disclosure: I received a complimentary product or a discount code.  All opinions stated are genuine and my own.

It was really hard to get one of these last year because they sold out so fast, but this year... I got one!! Order early because if it's anything like it was in 2020 these are going to be sold out way before Halloween. Jabberin' Jack can be found in retail stores and online at Mindscope Products and/or Amazon.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

This Pen is Out of this World!


This is a pen for adults, not children, and yet...

Friday, August 6, 2021

FL 7 Reasons to Use Strawberries in Your Recipes

 Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Please welcome today's contributor.

Image Credit: congerdesign

Thursday, August 5, 2021

What Your Wedding Flowers Say About You!

 Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Please welcome today's contributor.

Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! Your wedding is going to be one of the most beautiful days of your life, but the thing about your wedding is that it’s also likely to be pretty stressful! You have to do what you can in your planning to reduce your stress as much as possible and one of the best ways to do that is to bring on a wedding planner. Not only will they be able to work with you to get you your best wedding deals, they’ll help you to keep a great list of vendors and tasks that you need to complete to get the wedding of your dreams.

Between choosing venues and sampling cakes, you and your groom-to-be are going to need to choose flowers. Choosing new flowers for your wedding can be mind-boggling because of the sheer range of choices. Whether you choose to match your flowers to your wedding theme colors (which most brides do!) or not, you need to make sure that you choose the wedding flowers that really reflect who you are as a couple. I bet you didn't know that the flowers you choose for your wedding say a lot about you as a person - but they can!

Image source: Pexels

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The Important Areas of Your Life That You Need to Organize

 Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Please welcome today's sponsor.

Life is complicated. It's multi-faceted and there are lots of important things to stay on top of, which can be difficult when you only have a limited amount of time. Keeping everything in your life organized takes effort, from your own health and happiness to how tidy your home is. But by being organized, you can make it easier to stay on top of everything and avoid being overwhelmed by everything that's going on. If you take the time to plan things out, put systems in place and generally organize different areas of your life, you can reduce stress, take better care of yourself, and manage everything more easily.

Here are some of the important areas of your life that deserve your attention.

Image from Pexels - CC0 License

Low Energy Levels While Working From Home? Here's How To Fix It

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You wouldn’t think that sitting at a desk all day long could be tiring, so why do so many people suffer from fatigue when working from home? In reality, being stuck at home all day long can be very exhausting because you’re not very active and it’s easy to get into a bit of a rut. The problem is, it’s tough to get any meaningful work done when your energy levels are low. However, with a few changes to your routine and your lifestyle, you can avoid fatigue and stay productive. These are the best ways to boost your energy levels when you are working from home.

Pixabay CCO License

Sunday, August 1, 2021

5 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Disclosure: I received a product sample or a discount to use towards purchase. All opinions stated are genuine and my own.

When your morning view looks like this, you know it's going to be a good day. A lot of you know I am a coffee girl through and through. It's been a favorite beverage of mine for quite a few years now. I was pretty late to the game though, on enjoying this fabulous rich roasted beauty of a drink. In fact, I didn't start drinking it until I already had kids in middle school! I remember distinctly how my appreciation of it started. The college I worked for was remodeling and we got taken out of our big, beautiful offices with a view and put into various trailers around the campus that we had to share with several other people. It was temporary, but a totally different experience for awhile, and two of the people in my area would bring in a box of coffee for everyone, every day. Let me tell you, it smelled so good (remember, it was a small space, so the whole 'office' smelled like coffee) that I ended up pouring a cup for myself, fell in love, and the rest is history. So, I knew that I loved coffee, especially an organic and succulent coffee like Nora's Naturals, but I didn't know it was good for you too (in moderation, of course)! Now I do!